
It’s insane, isn’t it? And I bet the GOP isn’t thinking about how it looks to the rest of the world that they’re calling their own leader completely incompetent.

That was probably my favorite moment of the hearing! And also a very apt comparison really.

I feel like we sat this everyday but can you IMAGINE if Chelsea said Republicans are not humans? Good god.

Maybe most hate Cheetolini but the rank-and-file Republicans will still support their congressmen and women even though most of them have the same values as Cheetolini but aren’t as vulgar about it.

Preach. That’s how I feel about shaving. My brother, dad and I all have hairy legs/arms. Why was I the only one chastised for having hair? It’s ridiculous

Exactly. Sessions has been a member of the cult of Cheetolini since the beginning.

Agreed. I see this as a story to show that Sessions refused himself (when he certainly hasn’t). Sessions isn’t going anywhere. I’d be shocked if he quit.

They are such grifting motherfuckers. It’s disgusting.

YES! I remember that episode all too well. I must have been around 10-12 when I first watched it and even at that age I knew it was fucked up. And, of course, that was the first episode I thought of when the Cosby assault news blew up a few years ago.

Exactly. They’re not dumb. They know that most of the women who die are most likely to be poor. They just think “well, one less person on Medicaid that would be bleeding us dry anyway.”

I roll my eyes whenever anyone says that. If I was born in any other era in this country I would have either been enslaved or dealing with Jim Crow so no thanks! I’m good where I am!

I find it amazing that the former FBI is about to testify in front of Congress and possibly give examples of the president committing obstruction of justice....and it barely even registers on the radar because of the (soon to be literal) hellscape we’re in because of Herr Cheeto. I hate that orange puff ball with the

Well, considering Putin all but admitted that the Russians subverted our election shows that we’re just about there. Putin knows there won’t be any repercussions.

I STILL can’t tell them apart! It’s crazy.

Yeah, I’d rather be struck down in a few days by a virus than starve over the course of a few years because of climate change (or nuclear winter, whichever comes first).

I hate when people say “well the old folks will die off soon enough and things will be better!”. Yeah right. All we have to do is look at the history of this country to know that’s utter bullshit. If all it took was for the next generation to turn things around then 250 years of slavery wouldn’t have needed a freakin’

I’m not sure if he ignored them because of his own hype or because he just doesn’t give a shit about those kids. Why would he care about them? All he cares about are the top 1% of the country and derailing all social services.

LOL. You hit the nail on the head.

Same here. It’s women like her that got people like Tamir Rice and John Crawford killed in Ohio. “Well meaning” white people who called 911 because they were afraid of black people walking around in public. We should be thankful the police never killed anyone during those 200 (!!) calls. I’m so infuriated right now

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a picture of him until after the election. OMG my eyes!! He’s such a “Patrick Bateman”.