
Um, isn’t it supposed to be “Let’s” instead of “Lets”? Not that spelling mistakes would be a surprise for this circus.

That sounds amazing! I’d LOVE to see Viola Davis as Katharine of Aragon.

I still can’t get over Spicy hiding in the bushes!! Amazing.

When I saw on Twitter that someone said they hoped SNL had a segment of just Melissa McCarthy hiding in the bushes in the dark, I thought it was just a joke! Jokes on me!! I literally gasped when I read it actually happened. Irony is dead and buried.

This made me more upset that I thought it would. My brother graduated from Bethune-Cookman (with honors!) a few years ago. I’ve been to a few HBCU graduations and my brother’s graduation definitely had the biggest celebratory atmosphere. The whole experience was about celebrating black excellence and cheering by the

I thought the 4th season was too tame based on the reality of the presidential campaign. This season will be a snooze fest!

With Comey’s firing the fact that the head of the Census bureau was also fired today has gotten swept under the rug. This is the person who’s in charge of all census data including redistricting. I don’t think we’ll have anymore fair elections in the future. We saw what happened last year with the first election since

Definitely the latter. It was pretty much confirmed for me as I was watching that partisan farce of a hearing yesterday with Sally Yates. This hearing was about foreign interference in our election process (!!) and the GOP senators spent 90% of their time asking about the Muslim ban (!), Hillary’s emails (!!), and

Yeah, I thought it was hilarious that Anderson rolled his eyes, but all I could think was “WHY DID YOU HAVE HER ON IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!” They know she was only going to spout bullshit.

I’d bet a million dollars they’ve been looking for a reason to fire him (because of the Russian investigation) and the media breaking news that Comey misled the public about Huma’s emails on her husband’s computer was the reason they’ve been looking for. Do they actually expect us to buy that THAT’S the reason for

Can you even imagine if Hillary did this as president? Holy. Shit. She would have been impeached by midnight. I’m so furious right now I’m afraid I’m gonna have a stroke.

Or Chris Christie. Or David Clarke heaven forbid.

The fact that Herr Cheeto is using HILLARY CLINTON as the excuse to fire Comey is beyond irony. I mean, holy shit. You expect us to believe you’re firing him because of his incompetence on the Clinton investigation? The same investigation that he bragged about for the last year? WTF?

Honestly, I’m not sure if they completely disagree with this healthcare mess. They probably think it’s too much too quickly but they’re typical republicans who think they pay too much in taxes and think there’s too much of a social safety net. :(

So sickening. All of those fuckers are so EVIL it takes my breath away. I’m supposed to meet up this weekend with friends who are Republicans. They didn’t vote or support Cheeto and are horrified by him but I know they still support the party in general. I’ll have to ask them how in the hell they can still support GOP

As someone who lives in a red district and a hopelessly red state where calling makes absolutely no difference, please just continue doing what you are doing. With these relentless GOP attacks I’m sure they love hearing encouraging words from their constituents.

OMG people. When will you get it through your heads that IT DOESN’T MATTER what the GOP does? They will still be voted into office! These fuckers literally do not give a shit as long as they continue to rag on the poor, POC, immigrants, gays, and aborotion? For heavens sake, look at who is our president right now?! Do

That might be the worst part about this mess. “Obamacare is horrible...except for us. Everyone will get this shitty healthcare replacement...except for us. Suckas!!”

A lot of these GOP looney tunes are in heavily gerrymandered districts so they will continue to be voted in no matter what they do. We have to remember that 60+ MILLION people voted for this insane asylum and they haven’t turned against them. Nothing will change I’m afraid.

These people are pure EVIL. With this and the religious “freedom” EO my rage is off the charts. Fuck these motherfuckers and every single person who voted for these pathetic excuses for human beings.