
Well at least he’ll have insurance to cover it since they’ve exempted Congress from CheetoCare.

That would explain why he’s doing a million Pirates of the Caribbean movies. He’s already in character.

This is definitely one of my most angry days since November 9th. Holy crap. But, I just watched Stephen Colbert’s opening tonight and it was just the medicine I needed. He spent 15 minutes straight basically roasting the oozing Cheeto. It was glorious.

I watch their show and this doesn’t surprise me. I would think to myself, “I’d be shocked if they ever feature a gay couple on their show.”

That was my favorite part of Hasan Minaj’s roast. And I was thinking the same thing about his Civil War re-write. He actually says all this shit...sober????

Honestly, that part was terrifying.

I just watched the whole thing and I absolutely agree. He killed it. I laughed the entire time. I think my favorite part was how Cheeto spouts all his vitriol sober lol.

When I read the book, that part was the scariest of the whole book because I could see that happening, and I read the book about 5 years ago. I can’t even imagine how much I would panic if I read it for the first time now.

As soon as I realized 45 was embraced and not ridiculed for his “Mexican rapist” comments I knew too. After all the racist crap Obama was put through I knew there would be political whiplash.

Just like 45, I raged at even listening to anyone in that family. I happened to watch a clip of an Ivanka interview and holy crap, she sounded like a robot. I had heard others talk about her voice, and they were not exaggerating. She sounds more frightening than 45.

Yup. I never even knew the Reddit founder’s name until he started dating Serena.

Thank you! I still don’t get how people don’t understand that. I live in GA and Hillary lost by only 4 points and she never campaigned here while she lost OH by NINE points and campaigned there a few times a week. Now look at the demographic differences between GA and OH. It wouldn’t have made a lick of difference if

That’s amazing. These are the type of celebrity stories I live for.

When you think about the history of the United States it really isn’t so amazing but par for the course, unfortunately.

And that it’s not just old people (exhibit A: Nazi Spencer at Auburn University). I wish people would get it out of their thick skulls that all they have to do is wait for the old racist people to die off. They forget that they pass down their racism and sexism to their children. We haven’t been fighting inequality

Especially since Bernie isn’t even a Democrat!!! He needs to go far, far away. Ugh I can’t stand that man.

After the past 2 years I finally realized that these cable hosts are not journalists or newscasters but glorified on-air personalities. I’ve stopped expecting anything from them.

Boy this gif has gotten a lot of play in the last year. Who knew a movie about people trying to undermine their authoritarian overlords would be so relevant today? :(

I am sick and fucking tired of these damn articles about Cheeto supporters. Where are the articles about why 94% of black women voted for Hillary? When is someone going to ask us why we saw the (obvious) light when it comes to the groped-in-chief? I don’t give a shit about these racist assholes.

I’m pretty sure they’re there b/c of the I-85 bridge collapse and the fact that no one was hurt.