
Ha! No it won’t make it tougher. Our congresspeople won’t be sending their own children to the slaughter. You know they’ll get draft deferments a la Herr Cheeto.

That would just be the icing on the (chocolate) cake if Herr Cheeto gave foreign dignitaries E. coli.

This reminds me of when I went to see Dreamgirls about 10 years ago. The guy sitting next to me kept singing during every song!!! I tried to stay calm, but I had had it after about 20 min of his off-key sing along and finally told him to be quiet. Thankfully, he didn’t make a fuss. It still bugs me to this day. I came

OMG. I didn’t know what to expect but it didn’t disappoint!

“term limited”

McCain became the conductor of this speeding train of incompetence when he forced Sarah Palin onto us on a national stage.

UGH. Why do people do that to their children? Don’t they know how hard it will be for people to take them seriously when their older? And that’s not even taking into consideration all the teasing other children will do.

Good. Lock him up and throw away the key.

Without a doubt. Can I just say how much I love Michelle’s V-day pic! It’s so cute and shows how much they’re obviously in love with each other. Our country really didn’t deserve that family. I would have no problems if they stayed on that island for the rest of their life.

It’s pretty amazing. Just 8 years ago they were crying that Obama was moving too quickly on ACA and it took 14 MONTHS!

I agree. They only care about winning. They’ve been chomping at the bit for years to pass their amoral bills and they won’t let infighting stop them. I think this bill will pass tomorrow as well.

I saw a tweet about it and I swear I thought it was a joke. NOPE. *gag*

I will admit I can’t wait!! Although this does make my heart hurt all over again for Alan Rickman.

Honestly she hasn’t aged a bit!

That’s what I think as well. By the time we think “whites” will be the minority, Hispanics will be considered “white”.

I love Joe Biden, but seriously, Joe?? Did you really expect this Cheeto regime to be bipartisan on cancer research? Heck, or work with you on ANYTHING? If so, I have a few cell lines to sell you.

Right?! I mean...What. The. Fuck. Honestly, I’m actually glad the republicans are finally saying what they actually mean. It’s never been about “lower taxes” or “less government.” It’s always been about killing off the “dead weight” that doesn’t contribute to the country. Fuck all of them.

You’re not alone. I gag every time I see him in the Oval Office. It’s so surreal.

The first movie that popped into my head was Mrs. Miniver. I love Greer Garson, but every time I think about watching it again I think about the ending and I just can’t.

There really is nothing more to say after that.