
Yup. I probably wouldn’t have heard of the strike if it wasn’t for Jezebel. I don’t even remember reading much about it on Twitter.

Yeah that part of the bill should be front and center since it sounds like a mandate. Especially since the ACA mandate is one of the most hated parts of the plan.

It was the same case after the debates. 45 spouted lies the entire time but the fact that he had a sane “tone” he was seen as doing well. It was really “WTF?” then and it’s “WTF?” now.

Honestly, the only reason I still have cable is for TCM.

Yeah I’d like to see someone publish the movies that theater has shown in the last year.

I am so enraged on those girls’ behalf. I remember feeling like a circus animal every time some strange white person would go on and on about my hair.

I do find it really interesting how Bush was hiding under a rock the last 8 years but now he’s all over the news since Herr Cheeto and Co. took over. Very interesting.

OMG this was real?! When I saw it on Twitter I assumed it was a meme someone made up. We really are living in an Onion article.

I feel sorry for her children. I can’t even imagine being raised by such a dingbat.

Well there already are laws requiring doctors to lie to their patients about abortions increasing your risk of breast cancer when there is no credible research whatsoever for that claim.

I would have LOVED to have had at least one season of a Santos presidency. I think I was one of the few people who loved the last 18 months of the show when it featured the campaign.

I think The Pianist is one of the best movies made since The Godfather, but Polanski is still a child rapist. I will admit I have a hard time watching the movie knowing what kind of a person he is. So, yes, scumbags can still be good artists, but that doesn’t mean we should ignore or sweep under the rug the wrong

Damn. Sad and very true.

I had to watch the video twice to make sure I heard Franken’s question right. He didn’t ask Sessions if he had communications with Russia, he asked what he would do (in the capacity of attorney general, I’m assuming) if the accusations in the CNN story were true. Sessions didn’t have to say that he personally didn’t

I had to watch the video twice to make sure I heard Franken’s question right. He didn’t ask Sessions if he had communications with Russia, he asked what he would do (in the capacity of attorney general, I’m assuming) if the accusations in the CNN story were true. Sessions didn’t have to say that he personally didn’t

Your post reminded me of what someone on Twitter said about this disgusting display - (paraphrasing) “We should all be worried that now T***p will willingly create more situations to create more slain soldiers in order to use their widows as political props to receive validation.” That scared me to death because I

Yup. Beauty and the Beast is my favorite Disney movie, and I HATE that this looks like the same movie all over again because it just looks so inferior to the cartoon. It would have been nice to see an adaption like the live-action Cinderella (which I loved) that had the similar storyline but wasn’t song-for-song the

You couldn’t come up with a better villain name!

It’s infuriating. The media obviously hasn’t learned a thing in the last 2 years. His speech was full of lies and white nationalistic rhetoric, but he said it calmly without calling the media an enemy of the people! SO presidential!

Haha ok. If there’s one good thing about social media is that it allows me to take Herr Cheeto and Co. in small doses.