
Maybe, but did he pass on his views to his sons? It should be obvious by now that saying “well, they’ll die off soon” is not the solution for ending sexism, racism, etc. They just pass it down from generation to generation.

Honestly, I was hoping to see a classified briefing book with the key still in it. But, anyway, that cover is phenomenal.

That was the thing about that exchange. He managed to be both racist AND sexist.

When I went to the store a few weeks ago, I happened to park next to a car with about a dozen pro-Cheeto and anti-Obama stickers. A big, bald white man got out of his car at the same time as me, and honestly, I was scared for a split second.

I still that same feeling. I play in a community orchestra in the South, and we held our Christmas concert with a choir from a local Baptist church. The audience was 95% white, mostly over the age of 45 and middle class. The whole concert all I could think about was that most likely 50-75% of the audience voted for

I JUST watched Inherit the Wind last night about the Skopes Monkey Trial (where the Gene Kelly character was based off of H.L. Mencken). I first saw the movie about 15 years ago, but watching it again was so scary in our current climate. It was pretty representative of where we are today being anti-science,

I’m a political junkie so I would read all the news for FUN. The past few months? I’ve dreaded opening up any news site. For years I used to start my mornings catching up on news headlines by twitter. Now, I don’t even touch twitter until after lunch time because my blood pressure can’t handle it.

He must not be a huge donor to the Republican party.

The fact that the media was pretty much completely silent on Russian involvement with 45's campaign while tearing down Hillary over emails made my blood pressure shoot through the roof. I was angry about this last summer, but now that the media is finally looking under the hood? I’m fucking furious. Where in the hell

Well hours before this story broke the House GOP voted to NOT make Herr Cheeto release his tax returns. So...I have my doubts that anything will come of this in terms of investigations. And NYT just posted how Sessions is refusing to recuse himself from investigating Russian collusion since he was so involved in the

This is so cute. They’re never coming back, right? I know I wouldn’t if I were them.

The hypocrisy of the Republicans is astonishing. I knew all along they only cared about themselves and making the rich richer, but I still thought they wouldn’t want to see the country blown straight to hell. It’s hard to spend all that money they saved on new tax cuts in a nuclear winter. Jokes on me!

....and because he’s a pathological narcissist.

OMG I didn’t even think of that. Yes, it is good that Abe was there.

Well there was that picture from a few days ago of *45's desk that showed a classified document with the key still in it, which is a HUGE no-no.

I do find it hilarious that he screams “extreme vetting” for Muslim refugees when I bet all you need to do get into Mar-a-Lago is write out the 200k check. In fact, I wonder how many rich Saudis are members? (Just to be clear, I don’t think Saudis are a threat to us, but it just stinks of hypocrisy.)

I remember when Obama visited the CDC a few years ago one of the CDC security guards took a picture of himself with the presidential limo. He got into huge trouble for it and I believe he was fired. But of course he was a low guy on the totem pole. I doubt these rich idiots will get into any trouble for taking

Yup. It’s so painfully obvious that these new crackdowns are racist and going to vastly affect the Hispanic community. This reminds me of the “show your papers” law in Arizona. Were cops randomly stopping white people to ask for proof of their legal status? I bet not. Are there going to be raids in majority white

After the election the thing that scared me the most (outside of nuclear winter) was wondering if the police would go along with the new fascist-in-chief. We knew the biggest police and ICE unions supported Herr Cheeto during the campaign, which should have rung alarm bells for everyone. After this first test with the

I still can’t get over how Cheeto Hitler has made Bush 43 look like a freakin’ Rhodes Scholar.