
I was going to guess golden shower prostitutes, but this is great, too. At least I got the gold part right.

I thought scenarios exactly like this were why Ivanka moved to DC in the first place, hmmm? I’m still waiting for the major newspapers to ask what exactly is Ivanka’s role? She was in that meeting with the Japanese PM today. She doesn’t have an official title like her husband, right? (Of course, I’m one of the ones

It’s such an ethics violation, even if Herr Cheeto claims he’s paying for it. They could have stayed at the White House or Camp David. Heck, if the PM really wanted to golf that much I’m sure there were a dozen other private golf clubs in Florida they could have gone to where Herr Cheeto wouldn’t gain exposure for his

He’s probably paying for it from the new 100% price hike for Mar-a-Lago membership.

I wouldn’t have called him “worldly” but I thought he at least had a general knowledge of the world outside the U.S. because of his many buildings around the world. Now, I realize he probably spent 95% of his life either in his golden tower in NYC or Mar-a-Lago (especially since he spent every night in NYC during the

Edit: why do they even need to play golf? Did Obama do that when other heads of state visited. I mean I know this is just to show off Herr Cheeto’s estate but still....

Same. Although I literally LOL’d when I saw the Prime Minister’s reaction after the “handshake.” Then I wanted to cry with embarrassment when I wonder what our allies think of us now.

Because we had to do something so we didn’t go from an uppity negro to a nasty woman! What about all the Muslims who want to kill us all! Heaven forbid! Any white man will do. (I wish I was kidding, too.)

No, they won’t care now that the uppity negro and nasty woman are gone and they no longer need to be PC and they can send immigrants away.

Um, after Citizens United and Hobby Lobby I think it’s a little late for that......

I rolled my eyes SO hard when I saw his childish tweet. He’s so goddamn stupid and so embarrassing!

Right? If he’s so “demoralized” you’d think he’d be even more demoralized over the fact that a fellow judge, Merrick Garland, had his own nomination railroaded by the Senate Republicans. That seems pretty “demoralizing” to me.

He’s so awful he was rejected by a senate who’s head of the judiciary committee at the time was none other than anti-civil rights strongman Strom Thurmond.

How in the HELL were they allowed to even vote for her?! You’d think they’d have to recuse themselves! (Yeah, I know. Ethics is a dirty word.)

I can’t believe these senators were even allowed to vote for her at all. You’d think that’s some type of ethical violation and they’d have to recuse themselves. (Hahaha! Ethics! That’s so 20th century! We’re so fucked.)

Wait, are you serious? I had no idea homeschooling parents could pay themselves with the voucher. That’s so ethically fucked up.

After this election I was thinking about running for some type of local office because Lord knows I’d be better than 90% of these lunatics. I’ll look into my local school board.

This vote right here is why I have a hard time looking any of my Republican friends in the face even though none of them voted for Cheeto Hitler. They still voted for the down ticket Republicans who are now able to fully implement their autocratic laws. I’m so full of rage right now I don’t think I’ll be getting much

Honestly, I feel as demoralized today as I did on election night with this farce. Just...the blatant politicization and corruption of DeVos’ nomination and confirmation was so horrendous and there was nothing we could do about it. All the thousands of calls, emails, and faxes means nothing when the all-mighty dollar