
They hate black people. It’s as simple as that. They know how important it is to the future of voting rights (and GOP dominance) in this country if Sessions is in charge of defending our civil rights. The GOP wants a return to the 1950s and they’ve never had a better opportunity than now. They can finally publicly

He demonized Obama for 8 fucking years, and he has the NERVE to say Obama LIKES him?! The rage I feel is never-ending!!!!

I know, right? It makes it so bittersweet because I want to beg him to come back but I’d hate for him to lose his (very deserving) relaxed atmosphere.

Same. I can’t believe he was hiding all that under those suits these past 8 years.

Someone on Twitter recommended Rosie O’Donnell play Bannon, and I think it’s genius since we all know that Cheeto Benito is Bannon’s bitch.

Citizens United is on full display here. It makes no difference if a senator literally received calls from thousands of constituents if their one big donor wants them to vote another way. Also, if donating millions doesn’t get rich people what they want (I.e DeVos wanting the Education dept) then they’ll be less

with Distinction! Anyone would deserve the Presidential Medal of Freedom with Distinction for making the incoming Cheetolini administration look like incompetent fools (although, I guess that wouldn’t be too difficult anyway).

You know he was inspired by all the memes about him!

I read the entire article, and I’m still in disbelief that this was published in the New York Times about the President of the United States. If this wasn’t about Cheeto Benito and his band of merry men I wouldn’t believe any of this (or I would think this was published in a tabloid magazine). It’s still all so

I laughed so hard at his tweets. He’s so predicable...and SO freakin’ embarrassing. I still can’t believe this is real life.

If anyone wants to know if he’s heard of the article (b/c we know he can’t read) then just see his tweets this morning about the fake media and how he “calls the shots”. Projecting again. The only satisfaction I have is that he’s humiliated by the fact that everyone thinks he either can’t read or is too incompetent to

Citizens United on full display here. It’s so disgusting. You can have literally thousands of your constituents calling but it makes no difference when you have one huge donor asking you to vote another way.

Labs are the best breed. I am biased because I had a black lab growing up, but she was the BEST dog!

Be happy for the democrats. I’m stuck with extreme right-wing republicans as my representatives. Calling their offices is like talking to a brick wall. :(

Ugh, that reminds me once again that Jefferson Beauregard Sessions, III is about to take over. We can just forget about the DOJ intervening in cases like this. “Justice” will have a whole new meaning soon.

That’s my biggest question. What happens to those trying to apply or want to apply in the very near future?

I wonder how this ban will affect tourism in general. I have a friend who moved back to Switzerland a few years ago. They were planning on visiting the U.S. this summer, but with how swiftly things have turned south here, they’re pretty close to canceling their visit. They’re white Europeans who wouldn’t be affected

These people should recuse themselves from voting.

Holy. Shit. You were not kidding. Chilling. I was debating with myself what would end up being one of the worst SCOTUS decisions in history: Citizens United or Hobby Lobby. But, I realized I don’t think we would even have Hobby Lobby without Citizens United. That decision really changed the entire landscape of our

Yup. I can’t even joke about this. It’s straight up propaganda.