
I still think the all-time worst is Audio Science but Pilot Inspektor is definitely a close second. At least those two words are associated with human beings.

I know, right?! She should have gone with the usual black and white photography that I see all the time with pregnancy photos. You normally can’t go wrong with that.

This is why I was so terrified when the police and ICE unions were falling all over themselves for cheetolini. They WANT a fascist state so they can (continue) to do whatever they want.

I’m a damn hippie when it comes to guns but I’ve given serious thought to owning one since the election. In fact I’ve said to myself I should get one before it’s illegal for black people to own one.

There are no words.The hypocrisy and gaslighting is endless.

You’re not alone. I’m in GA and I’m feeling the same despair. One senator freaking gave the introduction of Price to his senate hearing and the other came out in support of the freaking Muslim ban. WTF??!!

Our democracy as we thought we knew it is dead. If we have a 2018 election that in any way functions like pre-2016 I’ll be shocked. Republicans finally have complete control of the federal government and almost all of the states. They won’t give it up over pesky elections.

I’m right there with you. I heard “President.....” a few days ago and I just died inside. I literally gagged. I’ve wished we were in an alternative reality so much, that I’m afraid I’ll eventually lose all sense of reason.

If Dems decide to let this dude on the court and a left-leaning justice dies in the next few years that means the court will be 5-3 towards the right. So, it won’t matter if Dems decide to filibuster at that point.

Fuck yes! Out of all the fuckery over the last year, the fact that Senate Republicans fucking hijacked the judicial branch of our government is probably right up there at the top. And the GALL of these hypocrites to admonish the Dems for that. FUCK ‘EM!

Yaaaaas, queen (as the young people say)! Although, I’m worried we won’t even make it a year.

I actually kind of agree, but then I realize SCOTUS would either be pushed to the right now (if Dems don’t filibuster) or maybe 2-3 years from now if Breyer or RBG, well, you know (I can’t even say it, God help us) and Repubs got rid of the filibuster out of retaliation. So, I think the Dems should go for the

That’s why I’m so pissed at Democrats voting yes to any of the cabinet nominees. Even if they seem sane and reasonable they won’t dare oppose Herr Drumpf in any way or they know they will be fired. Just look at Nikki Haley. She’s relatively reasonable by Republican standards but she was ambassador for one day when she

Well remember he also basically admitted that the Comey letter was coming a few days before that happened. So the fact that he’s spilling the beans on the ban is no surprise. He wants to brag about being in the inner circle in any way he can.

This is a great idea but we’d have to fix gerrymandering first. All the money in the world wouldn’t flip a lot of those gerrymandered districts.

Yup. I thought our “Reichstag fire” would come from within Congress, but it’s looking very likely it will come from a terrorist attack.

That’s the point though. Nazi Bannon has stated publicly that he wants to see the destruction of the U.S. and Herr Drumpf is happy to go along with that because if there’s a terrorist attack here that will give Drumpf the excuse to declare martial law and officially take over the country. They know that this ban could

Well they won’t be when they find out their water is full of lead and their food full of poison!

I’ve seriously been wondering when American citizens can apply to Canada (or other countries) for political asylum......

Yup. It is frightening. I just wonder what will be the end game here? Hopefully it’s all just bluster and Herr Cheeto won’t move forward, but unfortunately, it’s looking more and more likely that he’s capable of anything (especially with white nationalist Steve Bannon and Christian extremist Pence whispering in his