
I would give everything I own to know what was going on in his head and Hillary’s too

Well the constitutional lawyer is black and the illiterate is white so.....I guess that makes them about even? *screaming internally*

So that explains how Herr Cheeto is communicating with Putin!

I see I should have been more specific. I was thinking about how Eisenhower and Kennedy federalized the national guard to enforce school integration. They received a lot of criticism for that. What if Herr Cheeto wanted to enforce deportations and cities refused to comply? What then?

I love all these mayors coming out in support, but I have to admit I wondered: what will they do if it comes to the point of military intervention? After the past 5 days I don’t put anything past Cheetolini and his orange brigade.

It’s all unfolding beautifully for Putin. I saw the tide turning towards the far right in Europe and here, but never in my wildest dreams did I think things would turn so drastically or so quickly.

When I saw that tweet I almost started crying. I’m REALLY terrified now. I thought I had already reached maximum threshold of terror but NOPE. I have another level. If he’s talking about invading an american city on fucking Twitter, what on earth is he going to do officially? Fuck everything. God dammit!!

I’ve wondered the same thing...and it terrifies the hell out of me.

ALL the awards!

John Legend has quietly been hitting it out of the park in the movie department with Selma last year and now La La Land and Hidden Figures.

I’ve rolled my eyes at a few of Meryl’s Oscar nominations, but I think this nomination was actually deserved for Florence Foster Jenkins. She was SO good. When I saw previews I thought the movie looked awful, but I was so intrigued by the story I figured it was worth the $1.50 at Redbox. I was shocked by how much I

That drives me up the wall.

I was shocked at the responses to although I shouldn’t have been. There were dozens of positive articles about the march on this site! But, as soon as one person wrote an article that even hinted at criticism? Wow.

Thank you. On this site there have been about 20 positive articles about the march and at least 2 articles about “next step” actions post-march. This is just one point of view about the march that is very important in my opinion.

This platform has Mike Pence written all over it. You know he’s behind this.

You know that’s 90% of the reason he hired him. So he could boss someone around named “Barrack”.

The best part is that he’s using a SHARPIE. He couldn’t even be bothered to put a pen in his hand. He’s such an embarrassment.

I’m sure there are at least a few Republican senators who think these nominees are whack jobs, but they’re not going to risk their own re-election campaign by doing the right thing and voting against them.

Someone mentioned that the doll looked like Bieber and now that’s all I can see.

I was wondering how he was actually arrested since it is basically “he said, she said” but then I read the part about the security camera. I’m just glad he was charged.