
OMG I didn’t even think about the pundits applauding him for not acting like a 5 year old. You’re right. That is MUCH worse.

Yup. How soon after Sessions is confirmed will the various current police department investigations come to an abrupt end? I give it a week.

YES. THIS. He was only around 20 when he started fighting for civil rights. John Lewis is watching, in real time, his entire legacy he’s fought for literally his entire adult life being tossed down the drain by a Russian puppet. And he’s watching his fellow GOP congresspeople walking in lock step behind him. I can’t

With this and the Presidential Medal of Freedom ceremony earlier today I am a complete mess. I can’t believe we’re going from these 2 families who are the epitome of grace and empathy who truly love each other to....the complete opposite. My brain just can’t take it.

The title is extra ironic considering half of Dear Leader’s family is staying in their gilded palace in NYC.

Please do. It’s so good! I’m not even a fan of comic books, but his writing and the pictures really makes it seem like you were there with him.

I read John Lewis’ comic book series a few months ago and as I was reading what he said against Sessions my first thought was how LIVID I am on his behalf that he has to fight the same fight he did 50 years ago. All the beatings and arrests for civil and voting rights and he’s now fighting the same battle all over

Can you imagine what “activities”he has planned for in the White House?? *shudder*

Oh this is glorious!

With how everything else is going I don’t think they’re even going to bother repealing. They’ll just ignore the laws. It’s worked well for them so far.

What worries me is that all the Herr Cheeto followers will chant “lock her up”.

OMG Michael Flynn is pretty much Sterling Hayden’s character.

I was also questioned by the FBI (I think that was the agency) about a friend who needed a high security clearance when he was working on a super-secrect government contract. It’s so amazing to me that our own president isn’t required to pass similar requirements.

Yup, exactly. I knew those NC hijinks would go national.

Republicans don’t care. They really don’t. My parents are on the brink of retirement, and I warned them they better look for an alternative to healthcare when/if Medicare is gutted in the near future. My mom said, “they wouldn’t do that.” I said, “MOM, THEY DON’T CARE ABOUT YOU!” I think it’s finally starting to sink

I wonder how much instability this will cause in the cities that won’t have an ambassador for the foreseeable future? And also how vulnerable those targets will be to terrorists? I would think a few congresspeople *cough Chaffetz cough* would raise a big stink about this, but of course, I’m not going to hold my breath.

I can’t even look at Twitter in the morning anymore, and it’s been my morning ritual for a few years now. I realized I was feeling anxiety when I woke up because I was afraid to see what fresh hell Herr Cheeto started during the night.

I mean...WTF?! Especially when he’s following a man who’s the definition of charisma and empathy and just this week published articles in the New England Journal of Medicine about the ACA and The Harvard Law Review about criminal justice reform. (I almost cried as I was reading them thinking about the president we

There really are no words. Tens of millions will lose their healthcare, but by golly, we showed those Mexicans! /s

He is such a nasty motherfucker. I don’t know how he can sleep at night. I wish I was that soulless where I don’t care about anyone or anything but myself. When you look up “motherfucker” in the dictionary you’ll see a picture of Paul Ryan.