
It starts so early. My little brother has 2 older sisters and until the age of 4 when he started preschool he had no problems playing with us and our toys, which included playing with all of our Barbie dolls. Once he was surrounded by others he quickly picked up that somehow playing with “girl” toys was bad and yucky

This was my first thought when I heard she was going to be involved in “public engagement.” Yes indeed, she’s going to engage with the public that’s on “The List.”

“I am completely shocked that one of the most disturbing things our government has done since Trump was elected has nothing to do with him.”

Yup. Last year or the year before there was that pediatrician in Michigan, I think, who wouldn’t take care of a newborn because the parents were a lesbian couple. What’s next? OB/Gyn’s not assisting in a delivery because the woman is unmarried or in an interracial relationship? Or not treating patients that are gay?

There’s plenty of room for the sane people. I’m not a big fan of egg nog but I’ll take the rum!

I actually like the table. However, I think those couches are hideous.

“I can’t help it, but I feel like Trump has just tarnished the whole Office of the President.”

It actually scares me a little how filled with rage I am, and it hasn’t diminished at all since election day. I can’t look at the pics of Obama with “that man” after he spent the last 8 years dehumanizing our president. Fuck Herr Cheeto.

I would totally hold on to the Obamas’ legs and be kicking and screaming if I was one of the permanent White House staff members. I shudder when I think of those poor people having to service Herr Cheeto.

I posted something similar in another thread, but I didn’t think anything could come close to the 2009 photo of the little boy touching Obama’s hair but this one is a really, really close second. Every element of this photo gives me chills from the (I’m assuming) boy’s mother beaming up at Obama, to the look of wonder

Ugh. I just can’t comprehend that we are replacing a man who is the very definition of decency and humanity with...that. I just can’t.

I almost cried when I saw that photo. Not only because of the look of wonder on the boy’s face but the way Obama lovingly cups his face. I didn’t think any Obama photo could top the one from 2009 where the little boy touches Obama’s hair, but this photo is a really, really close second.

So the 2016 election?

Also the breakdown of college and non-college educated black and Latino men and women who voted for Clinton was pretty much the same so education level was not the main reason for voting Trump. Hmmm I wonder what could have been he deciding factor? /s

Yup! I had always wanted to drive down the California pacific coastline but none of my friends wanted to go or didn’t have the money so after 2 years of waiting I realized there was nothing stopping me from going by myself. That was almost 10 years ago and it was the best thing I’ve ever done. Since then I’ve traveled

Yup. I believe the white vote was way up over 2012 as well so there’s a definite possibility that Obama would have also lost the rust belt states against a white supremacist.

Thanks! This is super helpful!

China is already toying with Trump because of Taiwan and the drone and he’s not even in power yet. I can’t even imagine what 2017 has in store for us. I think we will soon long for the days of 2016.

So when is Twitter going to suspend Our Dear Leader’s account for the good of humanity? He’s already insulted China in an “unpresidented” way, caused stocks of major companies to rise and fall by billions of dollars, called out individual citizens who he thinks insulted him which led to his followers harassing them,

It would be pretty accurate to say we’re living in a Stanley Kubrick movie written by the staff of The Onion.