
Thank you! I should have realized it would be that easy. ETA: never mind. I’ll work on gifs later.

I was super pissed at the New York Times’s headline which basically said “here are possibilities of what he meant by his tweet.” WTF? You’re just guessing on what our next “president” meant about nuclear proliferation?! How about you write about how irresponsible it is to talk to the world through freakin’ twitter! I

It helps that most new shows, especially online shows, only have 8-13 episodes per season instead of 22-25 episodes that we used to see on basic cable. I know I’ve watched a lot more shows than I would have 10 years ago because I know there’s only a few episodes and even if it’s terrible I’ll probably stick with it

This sounds awesome and I need to do the same thing. I watch way too much TV and an organizational chart would help me a lot.

Yeah I just saw on Twitter. I’ve been avoiding it a lot lately because of my anxiety and this is exhibit A for why. And to make matters worse it looks like The Puppet is just following his master Putin’s lead. Fuck.

Wait. Is this real?! My God we are living in an Onion article. We’re so fucked.

Seriously. This was basically a horror show. I don’t know how the female student is coping right now but I hope she’s receiving help.

I know right? With the chaos of the election the fact that senate republicans hijacked the judicial branch has been completely lost in the shuffle. I really want to know why Obama or congressional democracts didn’t make more of a fuss about this!

Ok, my fellow democrats. Do you get it NOW? The republicans WILL NOT work with you. EVER. It should be painfully obvious by now that they would rather see this country burn to the ground than compromise on ANYTHING.

Honestly, I understand why Pratt and Lawrence did it. If I was offered $10-20 million dollars I’d do this movie in a heartbeat. ETA: But, I am speaking as a poor person. I don’t know if I would reject it if I was already an A-list star worth millions.

This was my EXACT reaction. I mean, seriously. WTF?!!

I think that’s what makes the movie doubly messed up since another pod (a man’s pod, of course) was malfunctioning. They just had to pound it into the audience that he had to force another person to join him in his misery and slow march to death because she was young and hot.

Seriously. I was on the fence about seeing it because I’m not a fan of Lawrence and Pratt, but I do love space movies. I said “holy shit” about 5 times while reading this article. This movie sounds SO messed up. I saw a few commercials about it, and I never had a clue about the craziness.

And you know Our Dear Leader will brag about that during one of his propaganda rallies. *vomits*

They said they wouldn’t vote for Clinton even before the election so it’s not shocking. What’s surprising is that they stuck with it even after all the Russian hacking and continued deplorableness of Herr Drumpf since the election. They make me more mad than the Drumpf electors. By a lot. I’ve lost a lot of faith in

That’s pretty much how I feel. I’ve been in this constant state of dread, and I feel like it’s accelerating. It’s really terrifying. Yes, statistically we’ve never been “safer”, but never before in history have we had world-wide destructive weapons either.

Yup and traitors to their profession. They should be ashamed of themselves.

I know, right?! There they are in his golf course paradise and he serves his guests LUNCH MEAT and POTATO CHIPS in individual bags no less? And of course he’s gauche enough to serve his own champagne. He is so embarrassing. The woman who wrote that Vanity Fair article about Our Dear Leader’s restaurant was obviously

Well that was terrifying. I still can’t believe this is our reality. Between Manafort, “no puppet, no puppet, you’re the puppet” Orange Julius Caesar, and now Tillerson I’m wondering why the congressional hearings haven’t started already. I mean, if you wanted to effectively prove that you’re a stooge for Putin then

I was talking with a friend about Our Dear Leader’s cabinet of deplorables last night and I said they were all horrible. He said Nikki Haley is reasonable which I guess she is when you compare her to the billionaire CEOs, conspiracy theorist generals and the racists but it’s such a low bar. She’s still a very