
I’m basically in a constant state of rage these days. I don’t know how the Flint residents have kept their sanity. If I found out the government poisoned my children AND didn’t want to admit it AND refused to help I’d burn it all down. And I’m sure most of them are stuck where they are because I’d bet their houses

I highly recommend 30 Rock (in case you didn’t watch it when it was on TV). I’m not a big TV comedy fan, but I was bored and I like Tina Fey, so I figured I’d give at least the pilot episode a shot. I ended up binging the first 2 seasons in about a week. I loved it!

I’m afraid this is just a preview of Cheetolini’s reign. More republican states will pull the same type of thing and pass more voter suppression laws to maintain their power. With republicans having absolute power in Congress I could see them passing laws that hijack the first amendment and making protests illegal and

I mean, Time called him President of the DIVIDED States for heaven’s sake. That should be a clue to Cheetolini that this isn’t exactly an honor but no, because we “elected” a shit-for-brains narcissist.

Wow. That’s scary how spot on he was. This should be blasted to everyone but the trumpettes would just say “[buzzer sound] you’re wrong!”.

Same. I always feel SO bad for the parents trying to calm a screaming baby when you’re trapped in a metal tube 30,000 feet in the air surrounded by hundreds of people staring at you. My worst nightmare!

Good. I hope he lives another 70 years just so he can rot in prison.

This is the perfect use for this meme.

I’m sorry for going off topic, but I have a suggestion. With the bate-and-switch of the anti-abortion bills in Ohio and now taking away protections from Louisiana LGBTQ state employees, I wonder if Jezebel should start a regular column on the shenanigans of state governments. Especially since the GOP is only 1 or 2

This. Every word. Also, I’m assuming Ivanka will still be running her own business while being First Lady since rules don’t matter anymore.

Ha! A middle eastern man who hated the rich and believed in helping the poor, children and widows? He would have been kicked out of the country.

As a democrat in the deep south: THANK YOU. The fact that Hillary lost Ohio by 9 points (a battleground state she spent a lot of time in) but only lost Georgia by 4 points (a state I don’t think she even visited during the general election) that tells you a lot about demographics. Black people especially knew what was

Anti-choicers love to ignore (or don’t even care to know) that eugenics was not only a standard practice but was celebrated in the early 20th century by many scientists and the government.

I agree. In this election the usual tactics wouldn’t have mattered. We had an extremely competent female politician who has devoted her career to women and children up against a “billionaire” bankruptcy-ridden racist and serial sexual predator. There is no normal way to combat that especially when you include fake

But probably only if they’re white children.

I know people were half-joking that the cherry on shit sundae would be Betty White dying, but now I’m really getting nervous for her.

I can’t even imagine how I’d function if my dad died in front of me at 19. And you know he probably blames himself since they were playing hockey, a sport that can be rough.

I know, right?! I can’t believe Dick Cheney is still alive.

A reporter on twitter said that he found out this is a new tactic for traders. They have people who’s job it is to watch the news all day and if they report on something that they think Herr Drumpf will tweet-react to they buy/sell stock accordingly. Apparently CNN (I think) did a report on the F-35 cost and the

Yup. I’ve been thinking about that “frog in the slowly boiling pot of water” comparison a lot in the last month. I think with this development we’re moving past the tepid into the warm water range.