
Meh. You know he’d survive 5 heart attacks and 3 heart transplants a la his other evil counterpart Dick Cheney.

I’m guessing the money’s going to come from the handicapped children’s funding that was just cut. Who cares about children who are already here when we can fight for fertilized eggs! /s

I totally understand. My mom is the one who’s obsessed with Hallmark Christmas movies. However, I have to admit that I binged on those Christmas movies for the first 2 weeks after the election to help me avoid the news.

What I find to be the stratospheric level of irony is that it appears that the one government server that hasn’t been hacked was Hillary’s private server.

I want to know where is Chaffetz? He’s been quiet as hell. Just 6 weeks ago he was calling for Hillary’s head (again) after Comey’s letter. Fucking hypocrites.

Before November 9th I never knew how much the office of the presidency basically relies on the honor system.

Looking at the picture above it looks like Herr Drumpf has already aged 10 years in a month so you might get your wish. (Ugh, I still don’t want Pence because he’ll turn us into the Republic of Gilead, but at least we won’t all die in a nuclear winter. I guess.)

Grandma shooting Rudolph. Sure, why not? That pretty much fits in to 2016.

This. Is. Amazing!! And the perfect gift for 2016.

He really was a fool if he believed their meetings was actually anything more than revenge. Having a public dinner should have been the final clue, especially since Herr Drumpf never met so publicly with any of his other potential nominees.

I have never said this before but if there were anyone that deserves to burn in hell it’s McConnell and Ryan (after they spend time in prison for sedition of course). They really have no souls.

I can’t even imagine the conversations Obama has had with heads of state over the past few days. Also, I would REALLY like to hear Obama speak plainly for once about all this shit. He shouldn’t wait until January 21st. Peaceful transfer of power be damned because we obviously already are.

These revelations make Obama’s post-election call for “peaceful transfer of power” and his apparent call to Hillary to concede so soon even MORE bizarre. Like, WTF, Obama? I don’t think I can ever look at him the same again.

WTF?! This is insane. I’m glad it was cleared up with your school, but is your name still out there attached to this article? I would contact them about issuing a retraction because it will follow you the rest of your career. Could it hurt job interviews in the future?

“Smith’s case was used to contest Alabama’s law in the Supreme Court, but it was denied—four justices, Ginsburg, Breyer, Sotomayor, and Kagan, were willing to grant a stay of execution, but they needed five votes.”

OMG. The only reason I’d ever meet Our Dear Leader is so I could just that in front of a huge crowd with cameras everywhere. I’d make sure I’d start crying and act really scared, too.

I can’t remember who came up with it but Orange Julius Caesar is my new favorite name for Our Dear Leader.

It broke my heart when I read Jones’ op-ed and he talked about how his fellow workers were so happy when Herr Drumpf told them they were keeping their jobs only to find out he lied (of course) and having to tell their families. BUT then I wondered how many of these people voted for Drumpf? They should have known he’s

Yup. He’ll just continue to blame immigrants for taking “their” jobs.

Same! I was totally rooting for Caesar over the humans in the second one.