
I rented this movie last week, and wow was that a bad idea. Of course there was obvious comparison to Hillary, but I could see a dystopian world like this with Pence, Ryan and co. calling the shots using religion (Pence) to kill off the weakest among us to keep government costs down (Ryan) and make money off the whole

Of course not. Texas just decided to cut funding to handicapped children.

It’s barbaric.

I’m so sorry your friends had to go through that. I can’t even begin to comprehend how devastating that is. Thank you for bringing up the financial side of this issue. These anti-choice people obviously don’t think how a deformed or severally ill child will devastate a family not only emotionally but financially. If

At least they’re using actors who actually look like high school students.

Especially with all the hoopla surrounding the Carrier “deal” the past few weeks this was the absolute perfect time to ask these questions. How many thousands of jobs could the Trump family provide American workers if they moved their production to the U.S. (and started using American steel for their building

He’s not that introspective. He just doesn’t give a crap about national security. He’s just perfectly happy to use the presidency as a bully pulpit to grift the American people and harass companies and private citizens.

The sad part is that it would actually work.

“A man who says he’ll punish companies for taking away American jobs while all of his own products are made overseas.”

This was pretty much my reaction to this article with maybe a little bit more eye rolling. This gif will get a lot of use the next 4 years!

That’s the scariest part of it all. What on Earth could follow Herr Drumpf? of course this all depends on if we survive the next 4 years.

This is so appalling. We already know Our Dear Leader has no morals so this isn’t a surprise but seriously, NBC?! At least we now know for certain that the media has no ethics. How on earth are they supposed to be impartial to what the president does when he’s on their freakin’ payroll?! Looks like I’m gonna have to

We’re pretty close to peak gaslighting.

Yup. Dylan Roof is a classic case of radicalization leading to terrorism but hardly anyone called it that because he’s white and Christian.

Regrets? He should be thankful he’s still alive. I didn’t think I could be any more angry than November 9th, but it just keeps growing and growing.

“I love Jesus, but I drink a little.” OMG! I haven’t laughed this hard since “that day”. You were not exaggerating! I just added this to my YouTube favorites so I can go back and listen to it whenever I need a pick-me-up from the news (which I’m sure will be everyday).

Preach. I would bet a majority of those “well Dr. King said...” people don’t even know about the first 15 min of his March on Washington speech before the “I have a dream” part. One of my favorite parts is how he said they’ve come to cash the check about the promises of America but America had given black people a bad

You know that was on purpose!

He doesn’t see black people as people. It’s as simple as that. The juror also probably thought that Mr. Scott was a criminal already or was one in the making so the cop was just doing everyone a favor and taking him out now. This is why Black Lives Matter is so important because to many Americans black lives don’t

This! Before I saw the final words of the video I thought the message was about trying to come up with sensible gun regulation, not policing students who might appear to be different or troubled. It really rubbed me the wrong way.