
See also: John Edwards’ $800 haircut.

I was thinking more along the lines of “Danke, Herr Drumpf” but that works too.

At first, I said flipping the Electoral College would be a disaster for our democracy but not anymore. In just 5 days Herr Drumpf has denounced protestors and media, his chairwoman has threatened a senator for criticizing our Great Leader, he has hired a white nationalist as his right hand man, Ryan and McConnell are

Same. I’ve always admired her, but we REALLY needed her voice as we’re faced with Cheetolini.

John Oliver really had the right idea. We need to light 2016 on fire.

I would normally say I’m going to hell for laughing at something like this, but since we’re already there anyway it’s a moot point.

It’s no wonder the fact that Herr Drumpf is a self-professed sexual predator has completely disappeared in the media discourse.

If I were an elector for the Electoral College, I don’t know how I could in good conscious vote for that rotting pumpkin. I could never live it down and I would regret it for the rest of my life, especially if Herr Drumpf does go full fascist.

I’ve been using Herr Drumpf but OMG Pumpkin Spice Hitler!!!! I’m dying from laughing. Probably my first genuine laugh since.......that day.

You’re right that Priebus is a cover. First of all, Bannon was listed first in the announcement. Second, Herr Drumpf basically says Priebus and Bannon are going to be co-COS which is just not something you say about your COS.

This is a living nightmare. Seriously, this is like we’re living out our high school history textbooks in real time. So I’m assuming the Capitol building will be burned down next. The blame will be put on Democratic congresspeople which will lead to their arrests and the complete take over by the Republicans. But,

So our Great Leader, who won based on the rallying cry that immigrants and an entire religious group are the cause of all our problems, hired a media CEO who’s a white supremacist that hates Jews as his right-hand man. Now let me think. Where have I heard something like this’s on the

Get ready for prison camps. There’s a reason why private prison companies’ stocks rose right after the election. They know what’s coming and their immoral, heartless selves want to be at the front of the line to profit.

When he talked about the BET party I almost lost it again because I realized the White House parties now will be filled by flaming racists and white nationalists. (I know there were before but the white sheets are off now in this modern age.)

I almost had a panic attack tonight as I realized what’s happening in the media and general society. Already hearing the gas lighting and normalizing of Drumpf and Co. like this was a normal election and this is going to be a normal “presidency”. I’m almost more in shock by how complacent we’ve become in THREE days

Totally understand. I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve seen my mom cry and one of them was when our dog died.

Honestly, if it’s at all possible, I feel worse because I see who Herr Drumpf will have in his cabinet and how Paul Ryan and company are already crowing about having carte blanche to pass whatever they want in congress.

That’s why I absolutely have zero faith in the sane Republicans to reign in the rotting pumpkin. They will only care about reelection so they’ll want to keep the Trumpettes happy.

Yup that was the one part I disagreed with. We as a nation have such blinders about our history. This doesn’t feel like America? Well tell that to my ancestors who were enslaved for 250 years and then dealt with another 100 years of state-sanctioned segregation and racial terror. Because when we deal with that, we

THIS is why we had to keep shouting “black lives matter”. We weren’t just protesting police brutality. That was just a symptom of the overall disease. Because as we learned on Tuesday it’s pretty obvious that our lives still don’t matter.