
I thought the one silver lining from this catastrophe would be that this country would finally have to accept its systemic white supremacy but nope. 48 hrs later and we’re talking about unity?! Fuck that! I understand Hillary conceding and Obama meeting him for the continuity of our democracy but what about everyone

I’ve been thinking a lot about how the Democratic Party got to this point where we’ve become a fringe party and yeah it all started in 1968. I wonder if we fully realize what a seismic shift we took in the 1960s not only culturally but politically. The entire political system flipped after the civil and voting rights

It’s all part of our new bizarro world. We’re praying that Graham will be the voice of reason in the Senate and Roberts will be be voice of reason in the Supreme Court when they vote in Scalia 2.0.

OMG that’s an amazing conspiracy theory

That’s my biggest fear. And not just laws but now they’re gonna fill up the federal courts with ultra conservative judges since they’re are so many open seats from them blocking Obama’s appointees.

Please. He didn’t even know Syria existed before last year.

Are these poor people still having to pay their water bills? I read a few months ago that they were as unbelievable as that sounds. And did they ever get their trash service restored?

Let ‘em. Let their racist and misogynistic flags fly high so I can spot them from a distance.

Bill Maher was in full scorched earth mode last week. I can’t even imagine how he’ll be this weekend. He might have a stroke on air.

You know Trump would sue her for libel if she reported that she suspected of him poisoning her.

The fact that Herr Drumpf’s first tweet since his handlers gave him back his phone is against protesters and the media should terrify everyone. He sounds more and more like Hitler everyday.

Well he has snuggled up with Putin and we know he has a history of his detractors “disappearing”. I said this somewhere else but I hope Alicia Machado watches her back.

Thank you. #solidarityisforwhitewomen wasn’t just a hashtag, folks.

God I hope so. When I talked to my mom yesterday she told me we might have to revisit strategies of the civil rights movement (she was born in Jim Crow Virginia). I told her I knew she was right. It’s now my turn to fight for our civil rights.

Wouldn’t have made a damn bit of difference. The one truthful statement the orange peanut made all election cycle was that he could shoot someone on 5th Ave and not lose votes.

He won’t need to federalize the Guard. Remember the national police union endorsed him. The police will be all too happy to do his bidding, especially after the BLM protests from the past few years.

We are well and truly fucked. Thanks for the heads up but I must admit I’m not surprised about the rich and powerful taking advantage of this deplorable situation. And, yes, I’m looking at you heartless assholes who bought up private prison stock as soon as the rotting pumpkin won.

Well, maybe we won’t have to deal with 4 years of Herr Drumpf if we die in a nuclear winter first! Silver lining, people! *sobs*

I’m really terrified about Russia and China’s response in the next few years.

Man, that was still the most “WTF?” moment of all 3 debates. He just spit out her name from nowhere. At least when he said he’d think about accepting the election results it was an answer to the moderator’s question.