
I was ambivalent to Hillary when the primaries started (even though I did vote for her over Bernie) but as we got closer to November I grew to freakin’ love her. Her policy wonk personality, her breath of experience, her poise when she was up against cheetolini. I, and the country, really didn’t appreciate her and I

I’ve been watching Hallmark Christmas movies on a continuous loop. Thank goodness they’re on about 16-hours a day.


It really was a 1-2 punch and KO for Hillary. She had to deal with the inherent sexism and the racism from the white-lash (thanks Van Jones!) of having a black president and her association with him.

I’ve lived on Hallmark Christmas movies for the past 2 days straight. This is the first year I’m glad the Christmas season starts so freakin’ early.

FUCK. I missed this moment. I just can’t anymore.

NOPE! Although, I bet when Herr Drumpf starts on “The List” Fallon will be the only one left on late night. You know Meyer, Colbert, Bee, and Oliver will be the first sent to the camps.

Same. I’m a damn hippie when it comes to gun ownership but I’ll admit yesterday I was relieved it’s so easy here in Georgia to get a gun.  

Yeah if they didn’t want mixing of the races then they shouldn’t have forced them here in chains to become their property and rape them for 250 years of chattel slavery. That would have solved that problem. Rape was so pervasive during slavery that the average African American has 20-25% European DNA. So just choke on

Yeah we can’t forget that we’re the country that had to fight a freakin’ civil war to end enslavement of human beings. And then had to take another 100 years of racial terrorism and systemic segregation laws to even come close to achieving full citizenship. To take what someone said on twitter “to many blacks this was

Preach. I was stunned by all the people who were shocked that Atticus Finch was racist. REALLY, people? A white man in 1930s rural Alabama is racist and you’re shocked???

I said the same thing in another thread. Trump would have won by a larger margin if Bernie was the nominee.

I know the feeling. My family has lived in Virginia for generations. Whenever I’ve lost hope the last 2 days I’ve reminded myself that my family has survived enslavement and Jim Crow and even managed to flourish despite all odds so I can too. BUT, it still freakin’ sucks that we still have to fight so hard for our

I wrote this in another article but it’s more relevant here:

That doesn’t make me feel better at all because that means that half of them couldn’t even be bothered to get off their butts to keep a fascist and sexual predator out of office.

we can only hope he’s enough of a narcissist to do that.

So first the Senate commits sedition, then we elect a fascist, and when the stock market fell the stocks that rose the most were for private prison companies. And now our federal government has carte Blanche to do whatever they want. Yup, no reason to panic here. And my friends thought I was being ridiculous about

I really do think voter suppression was a huge part of it, especially in NC, FL, and WI. However, if it comes out that democratic turnout was down due to “enthusiasm” then I will be extremely disappointed, especially as a black woman. Really folks? Even if you disliked Hillary you couldn’t rally yourself to stop a

Black women have always been the most consistent voting block of the Democratic Party but never was it more apparent then now.

On your last sentence: PREACH. People talking about coddling the white folks are some of the same people who’d tell poor black folks to pick themselves up by their bootstraps and stop taking government handouts.