
I don’t know how to put in quotes but I think you hit the nail on the head about this whole fiasco: I really don’t think equal rights are an American value. The fact that we just elected Hitler 2.0 is the final proof.

I can’t even imagine what Wikileaks and Putin would have done to eviserate Sanders. Yikes.

I know we live in bizarro world now but I still can’t understand how people keep hounding that Hillary was unpopular. They forget that Hillary won the primary by a larger margin than Obama did in 2008. It really wasn’t close. If I’m being totally honest, a lot of the “unpopular” rhetoric from the Bernie people is

Yup. In fact, I think Republicans would have come out in even higher droves than they did against Hillary if Herr Drumpf was running against a Jewish socialist.

I felt such relief when I saw this headline. I know the apocalypse is here when I’m happy for news of the Kardashians after the past 48 hrs of hell.

Can our country as a whole survive? Yes, but I have a hard time seeing us recovering internationally. We barely survived the international embarrassment of GWB who lied about WMDs that led to our allies helping us in 2 phony and costly wars. He made catastrophic decisions but at least we knew at his core he was a

I have such respect for teachers and your dad is a good reason why.

Totally understand. My mom is a public high school teacher in a county that is majority white and majority Republican. She had to ban talk about the election months ago.

Well 1 white rust belter has about the same amount of power as 2 million black people in this country so you’re not exactly wrong......

I never thought I’d say this but I pray Roberts becomes the new Kennedy. We’re going to need him when the 40 year old new Scalia is confirmed. *gag*

That’s so true. Evangelical women, especially, are never going to vote for a pro-choice and pro-gay candidate even if it’s an accomplished stateswoman running against a sexual predator who wants to date his own daughter.

It’s the height of hypocrisy that the same Republicans who vowed on Obama’s 1st Inauguration Day to make him a one-term president are the same immoral assholes who are calling for our country to come together after electing a white supremacist and sexual predator. Fuck that and fuck them.

She’ll probably spend a lot of time there to avoid orange man’s tiny hands.

I gave my friends the riot act yesterday and they are just apathetic white liberals. Like I went full on nuclear on their asses. I can’t even imagine what I’d do if I was in Nosferatu’s presence. I really admire that you’re able to keep it together at all.

OMG. I haven’t laughed this hard since the fall of America. Thank you.

I can’t even type his name. I’ve written “Drumpf” so many time in the past 36 hours my computer already autocorrects to it.

That’s all true but the problem there isn’t Drumpf but the rest of the Republicans. It’s open season for Congress. They’ll be able to pass whatever they want and they know Drumpf will sign because he won’t bother to actually read anything.

I know Obama is seething beyond all reason but I do hope he gets a little joy out of scaring the pants off of Drumpf

You know what boils my blood more than anything now that I’ve had 36 hours to think about this travesty? The Republican members of the Senate Judicial Committee who have failed their constitutional duty to give Garland at least a hearing. They could have held hearings and voted no but they didn’t bother to do even

God, just thinking about how Barack and Michelle are trying to handle this atrocity makes me want to cry all over again