
Yup I remember this. Obama was answering a question from the press during one of his press conferences.

We know Dubya was surrounded by scary followers, but at least they were intelligent and sane, and they destroyed our economy and lied our way into 2 wars. And God knows I’d never wish for those days again but we will now see Herr Drumpf counseled by the likes of Giuliani and Arizona Joe.

God I keep forgetting that Republicans have carte blanche now to do whatever they want.

Someone in another thread said they hope Obama will lead our resistance movement against the oncoming fascism and I can tell you I’d be here for that!!

On election night I told my friend that I might need to buy that gun now that I’ll need for the resistance before it’s illegal for minorities to own one.

As the stock market was tanking when we realized Drumpf was elected what was the stock that actually rose during that time? Private prison companies. Investors with no morals knew what the new cash cow would be with Hitler 2.0. And now with Arizona Joe possibly in charge of DHS? We won’t just see a skyrocket in

Ha! You think he’s gonna accept scrutiny? You know he’s gonna ban the White House press corp or limit it to the likes of Fox News and Breitbart. The narcissist that he is will make sure that the only news that gets out will be of praising him.

I didn’t think it was possible to feel even more rage now than yesterday but then I saw Drumpf shaking Obama’s hand in the Oval Office and my body lit on fire. Fuck everything.


I almost lost it at that point, too. I think he was choked up not only that his mother didn’t get to see Hillary elected, but that he’s pretty sure his mother won’t live to see the first woman president, period.

I totally get it. I’ve been in a constant state of rage for 24 hours straight now (I’ve been popping Advil like candy), but I must admit it was nice to laugh for at least a few seconds. But, I will say I was pissed off again when he talked about Trump resigning to star in his own show. Seth didn’t acknowledge that if

It’s really sad that late night comedians kept Trump’s feet to the fire more than our supposed “journalists”.

Same. I’m a black women who has always lived in majority white communities and I’ve seen and heard plenty of racist and sexist shit. I saw through Trump on day 1 and his Mexican immigrant rapist comments (heck, even before that with the birtherism), and even I underestimated the resolve of white people. And I’m not

Are you me? I’m in the same boat and I unleashed holy hell on them. The really sad part is that they didn’t get it. They didn’t realize how racist this country is and they are finally having to confront it. It was still enraging that they weren’t as upset as I was. I felt like I was yelling into a brick wall.

Sam Bee was excellent as usual. She really hit all the right notes. Actually, the Daily Show was excellent too. And wow, I miss Larry Wilmore. I could really use his black perspective right now.

Yup. Those immoral people jumped on the gravy train early. They know that someone’s gonna have to build all the labor camps.

Damn, you’re right. I thought IUDs would be the first up on the contraceptive chopping block (after abortion is made illegal, naturally), but it might be Plan B.

I’m in my mid-30s and I’ve always been on the fence about having biological children. This election pretty much closed the door on that. I have always planned on adoption anyway and with Fuhrer Drumpf and Herr Pence in power there will probably be a lot more unwanted children in the next 10 years who need a permanent

Yup! Pence was VERY quiet during the election. Another reason I’m pissed at the media is that NO ONE talked about how horrible Pence has been in Indiana!!! UGH I’m about to lose it again.

Paul Ryan can go fuck himself. He refused to even try to work with Obama and now sold his soul to the devil.