
Boehner probably made the best political move of the century. I can’t even imagine his RELIEF that he got out of dodge at the just the right time when he knew the shit was about to hit the fan.

Any chance of Republicans working with Democrats is gone and probably gone forever. Also, it wouldn’t matter anyway because I bet one of the first things Republicans will do is get rid of the filibuster (after defunding Planned Parenthood and gutting the ACA, of course).

It’s not just Trump. It’s the Republican congress who will have to decide if they want to abide by the deplorables that elected them to Congress as well as Trump. I wouldn’t be surprised to see a lot of Trump’s final solution plans passing through if only to appeal to the base and secure their own re-election chances.

Bingo. Many conservative women will never vote for a pro-choice candidate, even if that candidate is a qualified woman and she’s running against Hitler 2.0.

Yup. It’s really rich to hear them talk about feeling neglected while having no problems supporting someone who wants to deport immigrants, ban Muslims, and turn black communities into a police state. And I’m supposed to be the one to feel sorry for them? Fuck that.

I’ll bet good money that even if she voted for Hillary she voted for all Republicans in the down ticket races....the actual people who will help pass Drumpf’s final solution policies.

Yup. Not only do Republicans have free reign in all branches of government and most of the state houses but we can’t forget that the national police union endorsed Trump. Police will really have free reign now. Any hope of justice reform is out the window. Private prisons will skyrocket. If you think the police are

Holy. Shit. I didn’t even think of that but you’re exactly right. If not DHS then maybe our new FBI director.

It makes me sick to think of all the racism and obstructionism he dealt with but I’m sure at least he thought he’d leave a legacy of pulling this country ahead. But now, 8 years of grief and strife is erased in 1 day.

Yeah, this was not the time for “Hope” Obama. He could still have talked about a peaceful transfer of power but at the same time at least mentioned how the divisiveness of Drumpf (I’m sorry I just can’t even type his name) and the Republicans was a shock to the ideals of America.

Agreed. So now WE are the ones who have to make nice? I like Obama but fuck that. This is the same party that said on Day 1 that they weren’t going to work with Obama and now in his last year don’t even hold hearings for his Supreme Court nominee. Republicans have never wanted to work with us.

Nate was also the only journalist of ALL the media to consistently talk about how losing the Voting Rights Act might affect the election. But, yeah, polling as we know it is officially dead. It’s worthless in this country.

I was on the fence (I’m in my mid-30s) about having kids but this all but solidifies it for me. Also, ladies, you better hoard your birth control before it’s made illegal!

You want to know what’s really ironic about this whole thing, especially as a black woman? I finally get it why the South seceded after Lincoln won the election. For over a decade they could feel their power as a slave nation slipping away and even though the entire South voted against Lincoln he still won. So they

Well, Drumpf pretty much had only 1 path to the win in terms of the Electoral College and it actually happened. Hillary needed to win only 1 of about 7 states and lost them all.

If there is ONE silver lining to this monstrosity it’s that maybe, finally, America will have to acknowledge and own up to its white supremacy.

I think polling is officially dead in this country. Everyone was so off the mark it’s not even funny. We really underestimated the power of white supremacy.

Fuck. I might be more terrified than ever for Obama’s safety when he leaves office. I remember Michelle saying that one of the things she was most looking forward to in their new life was opening the windows. I don’t think that will be happening now.

As long as he deports immigrants, bans and jails Muslims, and increases the police state in black communities, his supporters won’t care if he does anything to improve their lives.

You have to remember that this is the same country that had to fight a civil war to end fucking slavery. So, I’m not shocked by anything America does.