
I don’t think we’ll have that long. You know he’s gonna start a nuclear war at some point.

I thought about the 2004 election tonight along the same lines. It was my first presidential election and I was so sure we would get rid of the ridiculous Bush but when he won and really by a landslide I was shocked. I knew Cheetolini had a chance but even I underestimated the power of white supremacy.

Honestly, I think a lot of scare white people already thought the office of POTUS was diminished when we elected a black man. If a *gasp* black man can be president than anyone can (well, except for a woman).

God that’s just the epitome of white supremacy right there. One of the most popular second-term president ever and seen as a great statesman to our allies overseas having to pass the baton to Hitler 2.0 who worked to delegitimize the president’s own freaking birth. Fuck everything but especially Fuck America tonight.

I feel like I’ve posted this a thousand times tonight, but white supremacy is a hell of a drug.

I’m hoping that people who were pissed at Michelle Obama saying that this was the first time she was proud to be an American finally get it now.

Tell me about it. They’re all antiestablishment but still re-elect the same Republican establishment candidates into the House and Senate. Fuck everything.

The ACA and Planned Parenthood funding will be gone on January 21st. You know that’s going to be the first thing Congress does.

I’ve been thinking that since about midnight. I can’t even imagine how Hillary is feeling right now. My God.

That’s the scariest part. With Republicans holding all 3 branches of government (you know they’re going appoint the new Scalia) there is no checks and balances system anymore. Herr Cheetolini can literally do anything he wants. Also, don’t forget Republicans control about 3/4 of the state governments, too. Most of

Congress will make sure that the first bill Herr Cheetolini signs is to repeal the ACA and defund Planned Parenthood. That’s happening January 21st.

Losing the senate is almost worse than losing the presidency because now we can’t stop Cheetolini (I will never type his real name again) from nominating the new Scalia or stopping any of his insane new laws. The Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee should be tried for sedition for not holding hearings for

White supremacy is one hell of a drug.

I’m glad he came right out and said it. SOMEONE had to because Lord knows the media has propped up cheetolini since day 1.

THANK YOU!!!! Trump isn’t an anomaly. He’s America in a nutshell. We have always been this racist and this sexist. We’ve been heading for this moment since we said “all men are created equal” while still justifying enslaving human beings and killing Native Americans and taking their land. My God, I’m so pissed right

I’ve cursed more tonight than I have in my entire life.

Can I be 100% honest? America really underestimated how deep seeded white supremacy is in this country. That’s really what it boils down to (and also a side or misogyny). Think about it. This country doesn’t care enough to protect its most vulnerable citizens. They didn’t care enough that their candidate was a raving

Preach. People really underestimated the power of white supremacy in this country.

I lived in John Lewis’s congressional district for 2 election cycles and I was so proud and honored I could vote for him. It was especially wonderful to be able to vote for a Democrat in GA where I felt like my vote helped.

I love that you wore a suffragette costume! I voted early as well, 2 weeks ago. Thankfully, the line wasn’t too long and I was in and out in 20 minutes. I didn’t talk to anyone else in line but I heard a few of them talking about how they were so ready for the election to be over!