
As an American I’m curious but is the election day considered a holiday or is there early voting in case people can’t vote on that day because of work?

Thank you for voting!! I’ve been with my friend when she was going through a bad bout of morning sickness, so I know it wasn’t easy for you!

Thank you. I’ve said this a few times this election season, but as a Democrat in GA it’s really frustrating to hear people on this site from deep-blue states say it doesn’t matter if they vote for Hillary or not. And you’re right the voter split isn’t as large as people think. I checked from 2012 and some of those

THANK YOU! And her “basket of deplorables” comment got so much flak from the people AND the media that she had to apologize. I don’t remember the press pushing for Trump to apologize for the thousands of racist/sexist/xenophobic crap he’s spewed out of his mouth. I really put a lot of blame on the media for this mess

Thank you from a black woman Democrat in the Deep South. I thought I was the only one confused about why Hillary is considered right of center.

It doesn’t really surprise me because remember they called Obama an elitist. We can’t have blacks and women out of there place you know!

When I heard this my anxiety went up 10 notches. If he’s willing to do this before being elected I can’t even imagine (well, yes I can) what he’s going to try next. *back to the fetal position*

The best part was the way she stared right back. LOL.

Preach. Ida B. Wells was one of my first heroes growing up and I remember reading about how she helped integrate women’s suffrage marches where the white women tried to force black women into the back of the marches.

I didn’t know Hillary only took the Clinton name to help her husband be re-elected as Arkansas governor (and now has dropped Rodham as well). I would love for her to be sworn in President Rodham just to give another middle finger to the patriarchy.

We better pray Netflix doesn’t malfunction tomorrow. I think the usage will be on overdrive.

OMG me too! I found the perfect food to help, too. I just made the most amazing cake from a recipe i saw on the side of a chocolate pudding box. I baked a deluxe devil’s cake in a 13x9in. pan. After it cooled I poked holes in the cake and mixed the box of chocolate pudding and poured it all over the cake before it

That would put a new spin on High Noon and Hamlet.

I shouldn’t be surprised that the media has forgotten that a certain candidate admitted to SEXUAL ASSAULT on tape especially when they had no problem glossing over all the bullying, racism, lying, crooked business practices, etc.

You’re too kind. We refugees better take advantage before Canda builds that illustrious wall on their southern border!

And just like hiding under a desk does nothing against a nuclear blast, a desk won’t protect us from Our Benevolent Leader, Herr Trump.

Nothing at this point could hurt Trump. Heck, video of him shouting the n-word would only HELP him. I could never have guessed how right he was when he said he could shoot someone on 5th avenue and not lose any voters. He’s absolutely right.

Racism with misogyny as a chaser is a hell of a drug.

That cup is terrifying. I don’t want to to be drinking out of a cup or holding one that has a thousand people on it.

I just finished watching The Ring, and the fact that there is only 7 days left is not comforting. I have a picture in my head where as soon as the polls close Trump will come out of his well, through our TVs and kill us all.