
After the Hobby Lobby case, they’re well on their way.

OMG she’s so cute!! I could never discipline someone who looks like an actual cherub. One reason I’m not a parent.

Oh good! So many don’t realize Perkins was an actor before Psycho. I’ve seen quite a few Cold War movies about nuclear disasters and On The Beach is still the one that scared me the most. The banner at the end with “there is still time” makes me shudder every time.

True. HPV is rapidly gaining on smoking as the major cause of oral cancers. And this is your reminder to make sure your kids receive the HPV vaccine. Yes that includes your boys too! They can also get cancer caused by HPV!

The first time I saw Marnie I thought it was one of the most messed up movies I’d ever seen. When I heard about how he treated Tippi it all made sense.

Anthony Perkins as Norman Bates is one of the best cinematic roles in history. He seemed normal (as Norman) but you knew there was something a little bit off about him. Just perfection. Unfortunately, he was so good it ruined his career. If you haven’t I’d recommend checking out some of his roles pre-Psycho. He really

Aha. Of course the rules are more convoluted than necessary.

I’m totally with you. I thought the elections were supposed to be the first Tuesday in November, so why isn’t it on the 1st? I’m so ready for this to be over.

This story is the ultimate Onion article sadly.

I also had a german shepard and black lab growing up. They really are the best dogs. This video is the perfect thing to watch with all the election madness.

LOL most awkward night ever. I don’t know what was worse, the fact that Franco didn’t give a crap and was missing for half the night or Hathaway acting like she was on speed to make up for her missing co-host.

As I said in the Samantha Bee article about that priest who thinks women should die with their fetuses:

I can’t believe Trump has a 1 in 5 chance of winning. That should frighten any sane person. (And this was before the FBI’s letter.)

I totally agree with the premise of the article but couldn’t you have done it without the interspersed gifs? I couldn’t even read the whole thing because my eyes started hurting and I got an instant headache.

I hate men. If I see #NotAllMen I’m gonna punch somebody.

But the problem is people won’t care. God I hate everything especially the media and that spineless fucker Paul Ryan.

This is all true but the masses won’t care. My anxiety is now thru the roof.

Ha. If there’s one place she won’t have a problem finding a job it’s in politics. She pivots better than a professional figure skater.

Thank you. I can’t imagine dealing with the “usual” stress of being in the White House. But when you add the racism, hatred and the unprecedented political gridlock on top of that I bet she would never set foot in DC again if not for the fact they want Sasha to finish school with her friends.

I could also see this type of ruling leading to investigations of women’s miscarriages a la Indiana and other places. This is an abomination and it makes me so mad I can feel the steam coming out of my ears.