
If there ever was a more perfect example of how all black people are NOT alike, Thurgood Marshall and Clarence Thomas are it.

I give major side eye to people who groan about how they wish they were voting for Biden instead of Clinton because “reasons”. Biden would have had major issues as a candidate and not only because of how he treated Anita Hill but also the plagiarism and all the video and photo evidence of how hands-y he is with women.

Pretty much America in a nutshell. White people can take over and literally shit all over Native American’s land and get away with it while Native Americans are assaulted and arrested for trying to protect their own land.

That has to be one of his most bizarre statements he’s made this campaign. I could see if it was his usual racist statement on something like “immigrants are taking your jobs, blah, blah” but civil rights? That makes no sense whatsoever. 

I highly recommend it! I’m not sure if you watch many old movies but it had an all-star cast including Henry Fonda, Walter, Pidgeon, and Charles Laughton. Even Betty White is in one scene playing a senator from Kansas!

I knew republicans had reached a point of no return when they all but declared Christie’s career dead in the water just because he hugged the president when he visited NJ after Hurricane Sandy.

Thank you. I wish the press was all up in arms when the republicans refused to give Judge Garland a confirmation hearing.

There’s no way for her kids to grow up normally. When their old enough to realize why daddy isn’t coming home how on earth do they process that? What do they tell their friends about why their dad isn’t around? It’s bad enough you find out your father is a pedophile, but it’s 100x worse when everyone in the country

All the drawings and her conversation with Hector made me wonder how many other robots are also starting to achieve this consciousness.

I wish my parents asked me about this growing up. I was so shy and I HATED having to hug people I didn’t know or weren’t comfortable with. Now that my friends are having kids I let my friends know that their kids don’t need to hug me if they don’t want to. When my best friend’s oldest daughter started walking she

Thank you. Everyone needs to vote. Yes, even you folks in reliably blue states. It drives me nuts to see posters saying “well, I live in NY, CA, OR, etc. so I know my state’s going to Hillary.” Well, if a lot of folks think that way the race could be a lot closer than you think. That thinking especially hurts as a

What a wimp. I guess I’m so shocked because I think about how I grew up in my family. My brother grew up sharing a bathroom with older sisters so he knew what was going on. And my dad had no qualms bying pads and such for all of us.

Honestly, the fact that he named his own kid after one of his fake spokesman’s names is one of the creepiest aspects to come out of his “campaign”.

So true about George Washington. We really forget how revolutionary a democratic republic was at that time when pretty much every part of the known world was ruled by monarchs. The fact that our “ruler” stepped aside after 8 years voluntarily so that his country could pick another man to lead really was amazing.

Your story reminded me of the time when I was about 8 and my sister was 5. I somehow convinced her that the soapy water in my glass was a magic potion. I really thought my sister was smart enough to realize I was lying. She fell for it and drank it. I got into HUGE trouble for that. Wow, I haven’t thought about that

Wait, the principal of a high school, an EDUCATOR, didn’t know that girls and women get their periods once a month? For heaven’s sake!

I told a friend I thought TCM was trolling. Not just Fail-Safe but the movie that followed which was Advise and Consent about a fractured Congress that had a hard time deciding on how to vote for the president’s Secretary of State nominee.

I must admit I wondered what was going on in this lawmaker’s life?

Especially since that POS now knows that his family will forgive him of even one of the worst crimes in humanity. I mean, what could he try next?!

I have an friend who’s been a foster mother for almost 20 years and I’ve met a few of her foster kids over the years. Last year she had 2 siblings (a 3yo boy and a 4yo girl). When I visited she kept having to tell them to not touch each other. I didn’t say anything but I know she saw the questioning look on my face.