
That’s what really pisses me off about how these mass shootings are overlooked. You don’t think shooting up kids playing on the playground constitutes terror? We are this numb to gun violence?*brain explodes*

This is an excellent way to put it. Whenever I hear the “good cops” excuse, the first thing I think about is the cop who watched the cop that killed Walter Scott in Charleston place a taser by his dead body to help corroborate his fake story that Scott took his taser. I bet she’s been a “good cop” and helpful in her

I hate to say this but you shouldn’t even bother with this.

It’s maddening. People are willing to give up civil liberties (hello? patriot act?) because of the possibility of muslim terrorists, but heaven forbid we try to curtail guns in this country even as our children are killed every single day.

When my dad and I were discussing about why Hillary has received all of this vitriol over the years, I said to him, “bet you $20 a lot of it is because she stayed with Bill after the Monica scandal.”

Right?! I don’t even need to know what the movie’s about. It could be about fighting aliens underground and I’d be the first in line to see it if it starred these two.

That’s what pisses me off the most about anti-vaxxers. How many young babies caught pertussis in the past few years b/c of these idiots? And didn’t a woman die recently from complication of the measles?

Probably the greatest irony about all this is that Canada will be the one to build a wall along their southern border to keep out fleeing immigrants.

Oh wow. Ron Howard is a good guess. He definitely had the star clout in the 80s. He’s also one of the few child stars (especially from that era of the 50s and 60s) who seemed to grow into a normal adult.

I always said Vanna White had the best job in the world.

I know, right?! I thought Jezebel was exaggerating the heckling part but nope. Appalling doesn't even begin to describe what I think of him.

The whole wall thing is just so ludicrous. People will just make ladders 31 feet tall. You can't secure a 2000 mile boarder. Or has the trumpster ever heard of boats or planes? Ugh I just can’t with this racist foolishness anymore.

I literally yelled “you’ve GOT to be kidding me”. We must be living in an alternate universe.

It really is amazing, isn’t it? What I still don’t understand is WHY he lied to his mother in the first place? If it wasn’t for her going to the media this wouldn’t have become the shit show it is right now. In fact, why was he telling his mother anything at all?

This makes me so mad. I was in Nice a few years ago. I wasn’t comfortable in a swimsuit so I was in long pants and a t shirt. What if I was wearing a scarf to hide from the sun? Would I be arrested? I mean it’s not traditional Muslim clothes but my body would have been just as clothed regardless. This is so

I was a RA in a freshman dorm and I’ll never forget the father who asked if they could paint his daughter’s dorm room. I was in complete shock and told him of course they couldn’t. He said “we’ll paint it back to white at the end of the year!” WTF.

Same. I understand it's legal but her feet didn't even cross the finish line! It just looks so odd.

This really was one of the best Olympic days in a long time with Fiji, Phelps continuing to win gold, and both black Simones slaying their events!

Thank you! It’s so frustrating. Off topic, but that’s why people made such a big deal when Michelle Obama called her children “black” during her DNC speech because people just can’t bring themselves to call black people “black”.

I knew there would be backlash from electing a black man (especially after Palin’s incendiary remarks), but I didn’t think America would collectively lose its mind. I should have know better than to expect anything from us.