
I thought it was just me who felt this way! That poor family always stood out to me and I felt so sorry for them.

Thanks! This is pretty cool. I wonder when the women stopped doing the parallel bars?

Honestly I thought that was cheap for an exclusive NYC school.

The white privilege of Trump’s candidacy is so huge. For those who don’t believe in white privilege Trump is Exhibit A. No black, Latino/a, Muslim, or any other minority could ever get way with even 1% of what Trump has said.

It is the insurance. My aunt used to run her own daycare center but had to close because the insurance premiums were just too high. Her center was pretty successful too. I believe she always had an optimum about of kids.

Yup. People are angry and believe that she only stayed with him to advance her own career...which reinforces them not trusting her for “some reason” or believing that she’s only interested in her career.

Yes. They're starting to make some real progress with ALS thanks to stem cells.

Speak the truth. This segment reminded me of the time I was a bridesmaid. I had my hair in my usual Afro. Thankfully my friend didn’t ask me to straighten it (white southern baptist wedding in GA in July). I went with the bride and other bridesmaids to the salon to watch them get their hair done to hang out. I was

Yes! When people ask what I’d do if I won the lottery, I say I’d donate a ton to Planned Parenthood. I’m totally serious.

Ugh. That just makes me so mad. Do they not even realize how much of their ideas made it onto the platform? I could tell there were protestors during Hillary’s speech.

Yes. I felt it was getting especially rude during Mr. Khan’s great speech. All the interruptions were too much. I could see how emotional he was getting and I think he just wanted to finish.

I’m excited for Hillary’s speech but I really don’t like how war-like and nationalistic the last 2 days have been. All these chants of “USA” remind me too much of the Republicans. It makes me nervous.

Now that he’s the nominee I believe he’s getting security briefings now. I’m waiting for him to tweet out national security secrets.

OMG this is one of the best videos I've ever seen. Thank you so much for this. After all the chaos of the last few weeks I needed a good laugh.

It’s so ridiculous. Especially if we still have a Republican-controlled Congress. Trump will give them carte blance to do whatever they want. There won't be a need to impeach.

Booker would have been great but not practical since Chris Christie would pick his replacement in the Senate. The VA governor is a Democrat so at least Kaine’s replacement will be another Democrat.

Honestly that’s probably the scariest part of this election. That nothing matters. It doesn’t matter that every word out of his mouth is a lie or that he’s a racist, mysoginist, xenophobic narcissist who doesn’t care if his rhetoric brings about world destruction.

It’s not only because she’s a black woman in Ghosbusters but that she dared to be dark skinned, very tall, and not conventionally attractive. 99.9% of the time we don’t see woman that look like Leslie in media so we’re seeing the visceral racist reaction from (I wanna bet majority white men) people who probably feel

I hope she gets charged. What she did was so reprehensible I can't even put it into words.

TP makes me think of toilet paper. So if you ask me TP makes perfect sense!