
I’m not surprised republicans are keeping quiet about this because if orange face wins and they retain a majority in Congress they have carte blance to pass whatever laws they want. The media is really pissing me off because they should be the ones talking about our potential new fascist overlord.

I stopped after Walter Scott. I just can't do it anymore for my own mental health

MLK has been so whitewashed over the years. People forgot that he was the head of many civil disordinance protests during the Civil Rights Movement that really disrupted life in a lot of cities. It wasn’t all hand holding singing “We Shall Overcome.”

They're fully aware. It obviously doesn't matter what they do even if it's on tape. Remember there was video of police doing a drive by on a 12 year old and nothing happened. Police can literally justify anything.

You know I used to be all for escaping to Canada but I really don’t want us to infect you all with our American “exceptualism”.

White privelege at its best really.

You have GOT to be kidding me. They’ll make time for another Clinton hearing but they somehow don’t have the time to for a SCOTUS hearing (or confirming many of the open federal judgeships).

But that’s just it. When he said “Audrey Hepburn” he was thinking of one word and the word was “hot”. He wasn't thinking of these women as actual human beings.

Oh they’ll definitely get away with it. This is the same state that declared violence against the police a hate crime. Also police got away with committing a drive by against a 12 year old, killing someone walking around a Wal Mart, and choking someone to death all on video.

It’s YOUR life and body. You have no obligation to anyone else. In the past year I’ve had different friends tell me they were pregnant on the night they peed on the stick, at 15 weeks and at 30 weeks. I didn't care either way. I was just happy for them.

Ooof I had completely forgotten about that. Poor Jeb. It looks even worse in hindsight.

We can't nuke the Internet.

Exactly. Heaven forbid a Japanese cast actually representing an “international story”. *roll eyes up to the stars*

I rolled my eyes hard at that as well. I’ve had alligator at a seafood restaurant in South Carolina.

Seriously. I have a hard time believing the Bernie-stans would be doing all of this if the head of the DNC was a man.

The same thing happened with my brother. He had no problem playing with his sisters’ Barbie dolls but as soon as he started school he somehow picked up on that social conditioning about “girl” toys being “yucky.” This all happened when he was around 4-5. I’m sorry things haven’t changed in 20 years.

We’re slowly but surely heading back into the dark ages. How far away are we from dying from paper cuts?

Of course he’s absolutely right. I really like his Lane Bryant collection.

Exactly. Clinton should be leading around 90-10 against the orange ball of fluff.

The fact that Trump won the nomination is terrifying in itself. On the other hand, Cruz is also a disaster so we would be in trouble no matter who was the Republican nominee.