
There are women that do wear shorts. Venus won Wimbledon in 2007 wearing shorts. I remember because I thought she looked so good in shorts and wished she’d wear them more often.

Yup and Bouchard doesn’t have the clout like Serena to say “this is absolute crap and I refuse to wear it.” Nike will go along with whatever Serena wants.

PREACH! I’ve seen people look my way with scared looks. For a split second I look around wondering who they’re looking at and realize they’re looking at me. As you said it’s not blatant racism but the fact that people think they should be afraid me just because I have more melanin than they do just makes me so

Speaking as an American I totally understand. We’re freaking out over hear too. If I knew how to embed videos, I’d put in “Tomorrow Belongs to Me” from Cabaret.

I'm sure she got legacy points. A woman I know was worried about her son getting into GA Tech and when she called the admissions office they told her not to worry b/c he was a 2 generation legacy.

That's what I've wondered. What does LSU think of all this? As for finding future jobs I don't think she'll have any problems there. I'm sure she'll find many sympathetic people who are for her cause.

But it wasn’t total chance and that was the point and what makes the whole situation so devastating. It was racism and white supremacy, not chance, for why Poussey and not Bailey ended up in prison. We see shades of that all season like for example with Piper using her white privilege to get Piscatella on her side and

It was awful. And you just know those guys were up to no good and smoking weed.

Well the Sandy Hook shooter wasn’t a scary, brown Muslim.

Just remember a broken clock is still right twice a day.

Yes, yes, yes!! It’s way past time for all of this. For heaven’s sake, we need to take tests, buy insurance and register our cars so it’s certainly not unreasonable to ask for the same thing with guns. What I would also add to your list is to limit the amount of ammunition people can buy. If you have a gun for home

I had heard he had “supported” Sen. Murphy and now that I see what he actually said that’s why I put quotation marks around supported. Also, very interesting that Toomey didn’t include Murphy’s response in his tweet.

I just can't anymore. Although this tragedy is a reminder to me that a lol of the mass shootings that happen in this country are domestic violence related. We just don't hear about it.

I'm sure it's already forgotten that a police officer was already at the club doing security and he couldn't stop him.

OMG. I’m curious. What was the context of this quote?

My thought exactly.

I did a lot of solo travel in the U.S. so I was used to that. I tried to get friends to go with me to Europe but they either had no time or money. I knew if I was going I had to do it myself. I don't regret it at all.

I loved Bob Ross! I didn't know about his paintings being auctioned for PBS. Another reason to love him. I didn’t have an artistic bone in my body but that didn’t stop me from trying to recreate his paintings. And I also agree about Rick Steves. I can't tell you how essential he was to me on my first trip to Europe

Ocean’s 12 was atrocious but Ocean’s 13 was actually really good. I would give it a try.

This was my exact reaction when I read that part.