
It was satirical. I don’t watch a lot of movies with him in it, if he DID do something it won’t affect my viewing habits whatsoever.

The only one I can think of was when John Lassater was accused of harassing Rashida Jones, which she said didn’t happen. That came among other stuff that apparently did happen, but it was still inaccurate.

You say that GoT is the “worst example” I could pick, and that I’m referring to a “fictional show universe” as though I pulled GoT out of thin air. This is literally an actor from that specific show on a panel about that specific show, talking about his work in things like that specific show. You also say “fictional

You’re kind of proving my point about the hypocrisy here. GoT is produced by “modern men.” Those naked women peppering every other scene are real people, not CGI. How many actresses have basically been told that in order to get their big break, they’ve got to play “Naked Whore #2" on GoT? If someone is so concerned

You really think a joke pushes a rapist to rape?

Serious q: If he had said “Rip out the tongues of my enemies and pillage their women”...would it have been better?

But none of what you said is exemplified by his 6-year-old comment. He’s talking on a GoT panel, and the comment should be viewed in context of the “rape and pillage” nature of the show. Yes, if he made the same comment this week, I’d think it was incredibly tone-deaf. Or, say, if Jon Hamm said his favorite part of

So, joking about horrifically murdering people? Fine and dandy, no problem. Joke about rape? Unacceptable. Seems a bit arbitrary.

Better check into rehab, just to be sure.

I would like to preemptively apologize for everything I did in the past that no one paid attention to at the time, but looks really bad now in light of current events.

Are we seriously digging up a flippant :05 sec comment from 6 years ago? It seems to me it was a comment made very much in context of the “rape and pillage” nature of the show, and was spoken specifically during a GoT panel. If you’re easily triggered by any mention of rape, then the overt sexual violence of GoT

Can’t afford healthcare? Cool! We will fine you because you’re poor! Yay for MURICA!

It is patently insane the IRS is involved IN ANY WAY AT ALL with our healthcare.