
I met Devon Wade when I was working as a callertaker at Yellow Cab. T

Some commenters seem really sensitive to anything involving rape. It’s not a pleasant thing to be sure, but we can’t be so touchy about every single thing. Allow others to express themselves as long as it’s not intentionally hurtful, or a pattern of disrespect or abuse. I really believe that Jason was enjoying

These people are likely apologizing out of fear and not because of deep regret. They’re afraid of severe consequences. It’s sad the direction our society is headed in. No one feels free to be honest and real. We’re forcing people to act and feel how we want them to. That’s very dangerous. Where will it stop?

Why must everyone apologize for everything all the time, go to rehab, or get fired for revealing their true feelings? Gosh! We don’t allow people to have feelings and be individual. Why must everything be politically correct nowadays? Why is everyone so sensitive now? I would rather someone be real than pretend

That is a valid point about why she was out at that time of the morning. I thought the same thing. It’s still very wrong and tragic that this happened to her. A good question is why do you have come in here using foul language and trying to shut someone else up? They have a right to their opinion. That same