Time to Loaf

Minus the shoes, just looks like she’s going Method for a Fargo sequel.

it’s only a small step from a shower beer, and shower beer is amazing

American Hero. Let’s put HER (this exact picture) on the $20 bill!

They still are, they just don’t get press. For example, a Lutheran church I went to for a few services said right in the bulletin some of their offerings were going to help a young woman who needed an abortion. It wasn’t newsworthy or controversial in that church.


I am TERRIBLE at doing my hair. I have ultrathin, flat hair that doesn’t hold a curl or hairspray or product very well at all. I can do three things: 1) leave it down (it gets really flat really quickly) 2) put in an anemic pony tail 3) put it in a tiny topknot IF my hair is cooperating and I have time to fuck up a

Looks like Leslie Caron’s costume when she dances as a living Toulouse-Lautrec painting in An American in Paris!

Girl, what are you doing? That ribbon is going to cut off your circulation when you flex your foot.

Tourist humans. They are slow and easily lured into a trap with an invite to a free luau. Little do they know, they're the main course.

Luxury? I'd go with Necessity.

i started reading this and i was like DID U GET THE COLORS

I posted the same thing but posted Hansel doing it. Ah but I'm in the grays. Great minds!

I see you with your Pushing Daisies reference, Madeleine. Pie-Maker Lee Pace gave me many pants feelings.

I was just going to write that when Hiddles gets married, it's going to be a very dark day full of tears and rending of garments.

OK, Jezebel writers, can we make a pact please: if Tom Hiddleston ever marries I DO NOT WANT YOU TO TELL ME, EVER, DO YOU HEAR ME????

Also, kinda circa Party Monster.

Waukegan is my hometown. It's also home to a notary who pretended to be a lawyer to defraud immigrants seeking green cards ("notario" is a term used for lawyers in some Spanish-speaking countries). We have a disproportionately high number of scumbags for a town of that size. :/