Time to Loaf

I dunno, I didn’t hate it. Maybe it’s because I’m a boring liberal like Sorkin, but it was effective and well-acted, even if it tipped over into poshlost more than a little too often.

As a Northwestern alum, we’ve been saying this about UChicago students for years.

No, that’s the deceased’s name. Troy Ave’s name is Roland Collins.

This is so cute. All of them were adopted!

I would go with Peter Stormare as Czernobog. I am not sure if the appearance matches as I tend to forget physical character description, but Stormare is great.

And Clancy Brown! I would have said Clancy for Mr. Wednesday, but that’s taken now. So how about Clancy for Hinzelmann? Basically, I think about half the cast of Carnivale should star in this show.

Can they please get Michael J. Anderson to play Czernobog? I don't know why, I just feel like he belongs as Czernobog. I envisioned Czernobog as looking like him.

Wait so the hour long sexual assault survey UofC made me take didn’t magically fix their structural sexism and inability to protect victims rights?!?!?!!?!?! Color me shocked.

“Where Title IX Comes to Die" doesn't really have the same ring to it, does it?

I just went through this on a (thank you jeebus) relatively short domestic flight. I honestly think Middle Seat Guy (I was Window) was oblivious to his manspready ways, but he was invading my territory repeatedly, encroaching with his wide-legs sitting and hogging the armrest and just generally being a big dude. I’m

Some people can’t help invading your space due to size, and that’s just the risk you take when you fly.

Also, unless there is an empty seat between you, NEVER push up the dividing armrest. It is down for a reason- my space on this side, your space on that side. This is a sacred and powerful divider. Even if parts of you are spilling under it and squeezing against my thighs, I can pretend that it impossible because the

As the mother of two boys who eat everything, I can see her point though. When you're a mom, the majority of groceries you buy are in the category of "things the kids will eat." And kids can and do eat an incredible volume of food. As a fatass for whom the list of Foods That Will Not Add to the Problem is pretty

Apparently it's quite common for men of that social status to not wear a wedding ring. William discussed it with Kate and he decided not to wear one since he's not into jewelry and doesn't even wear a signet ring.

yeah thats actually pretty recent that men wear wedding bands. it was always just the know, denoting ownership and whatnot :-/

Looks like the infusion of some sturdy peasant DNA has done the royal family some good.

I laughed at Old and Lamé...