Time to Loaf

OH MY GOD FLYING WITHIN CANADA SOUNDS LIKE HEAVEN. I am picturing a lot of "I'm so sorry that your baby's crying, eh, can I help, eh?" and "would you, eh, like my blanket for the baby, eh?" and some "I am so sorry that the baby's milk landed on me and I wasn't able to find a receptacle to catch it in, and it got

Just for funsies, a quick correction: Victorian era: 1837-1901. Mary I reigned 1553-1558, in the Tudor era.

No, but as an Illinois native and niece of a (retired) Chicago cop, that city is corrupt as fuck and I think her concerns were very understandable.

Well shit, now they have to re-write the whole fifth season of Downton Abbey.

Yes. My divorce felt like death. I mourned my relationship- I mourned the loss of the person I thought I'd married, I mourned the loss of his lovely family, and I mourned the loss of the plans we'd made for our future. I mourned the baby I would never have (we'd been talking about starting a family.) And I felt in a

"Back Home Ballers" was worth it for the wifi joke alone. I had tears streaming down my face. I may also be guilty of pretend napping to avoid helping.

i feel like almost all the ladies made a pact to dress like fancy couches and frankly they all look gr8

I love that Geek Love is finally getting its due.
One thing that should be mentioned between this and American Freak Show has to be Carnivale.

im expecting a paper on anchorman's deconstruction of sexism in the workplace by tomorrow, guys.

These douchecanoes pretend their right to speech is under duress when really what they're saying is "I'm mad that my words have consequences that I don't want them to have". Change your pissy diapers, manchildren. It's time to grow up.

Men get very angry when you challenge their entitlement to do whatever the fuck they want.

Men aren't entitled to a woman's time or attention. Just because you see her doesn't mean you get to interact with her. It's not rude to ignore rudeness.

Sometimes even just the appraising looks get to me. Men looking you up and down deciding whether they would fuck you, their eyes crawling all over your body uninvited. I'm not talking about a quick check-out, I'm talking about the ones who feel entitled to stare openly, and there are many. There are some days I wish I

How did you know I was having a shitty monday?

This reminds me of the movie "In a World."

I already had this book on my to-read list, but after reading the author's response letter, it's been bumped way up the list.

And bought.