Time to Loaf

This is awesome, nice work Reed Pop. Hopefully we'll see these up at C2E2 next year.

I hope it's more like "where all the women are strong, all the men are good looking, and all the children are above average."

It's what happened to Kit's family, the next generation.

Just needs a little edit: "Frances McDormand Is Flawless."

Can we all agree that her make-up here, as always, is completely flawless?

Team Cat Headquarters here,

A) They're assholes

And "O-Week" just gets more spicy as the week progresses! This must be a harbinger of things to come this academic year. Not only do I predict that it will be COLD AS FUCK this year but some shit is about to kick-off on this campus around all of this.

The university sent me an email AN HOUR AGO asking me to "continue to invest in UChicago undergraduates."

RAPE VICTIMS ALSO HAVE FREEDOM OF SPEECH! Girls, you need to name your rapists. Don't let the school stop you. Do it anonymously. Post notes around your school and at local bars naming your rapists. AGAIN, DO IT ANONYMOUSLY. Don't tell your friends you did it. All girls who have been raped should name and shame

So. Many. BMW. SUVs/crossovers. "Is the neighborhood safe? W? Let me meet all of your professors."

Team Cat Headquarters here,

So it is "O-Week" here at the U of C. Parents are ALL OVER THE PLACE. This should go over well.

Into the Woods was the very first musical that I saw as a child. Why can't people stop taking things from my childhood and ruining them? Those are my things. Stop touching them. Get your own.

hmmm This answered basically none of my questions. Like: What will the new song(s) sound like? How are they going to desexualize the whole Wolf/Red Riding Hood plotline? Is this thing going to have an intermission? I'm not sure I see the story working as well without an intermission. Is Chris Pine going to be the best

Is this little girl tired? My son sobs over nothing just like this when he needs a nap. Just sayin.

Is it just me, or is this the face of a little girl who has never NOT gotten what she wants before? I don't know why but I get some serious Veruca Salt out of the whole thing.

YES! I've had pretty awful eczema since forever, to the point where only hardcore immunosuppressants helped. I recently started putting a couple of tablespoons of coconut oil in a bath, along with a few drops of teatree oil, and soaking for a good 20 minutes. When I get out, I slather on moisturiser without drying off

I'm sure people have been using coconut oil for centuries for a multitude of things before this most recent internet craze....but no matter. I have just been living the happiest most satisfied week so far from finally having cured up this particular eczema bout that's been plaguing me since May (now almost August) and

There's...a lot of secondhand embarrassment with this situation. :|