Time to Loaf

I saw Into the Woods (OBC ftw!) when I was 4, and guess what? All of those grown-up jokes and references to rape and sex and death completely escaped me. I just liked the songs and the costumes! I grew up watching it (the American Playhouse airing that was on PBS at some point) and as I got older, I understood more of

THANK YOU for saying this. The Sun Times is a garbage piece of "journalism" that relies on sensationalism to sell its papers. No true Chicago who's actually trying to get any news ever reads the Sun Times. Please know that most educated Chicagoans do not take this publication seriously!

I was 3 weeks away from graduating college, and 6 weeks away from getting married. Friends lasted approximated 3.33 times longer than my marriage. God, I don't miss 2004 at all.

I kind of always just assumed the Bob Saget voice was how Ted hears his own voice in his head? Like you know how you hear your voice in your head, but then when you hear a recording of your voice, you're like "the fuck? I sound like that?"

YUP. They have a rehearsal for the presenters in the days before the actual show, so he definitely had to run through it a few times at rehearsal. They would have made sure he knew how to pronounce it correctly at rehearsal.

Am I wrong, or is Tilda Swinton the only person who would look good in any of this? ALL HAIL QUEEN TILDA.

If you grew up Lutheran, then "salad" is synonymous for "Jello".

Shoot, now I have something in both my eyes. (Also, his reply letter is absolutely adorable. Printed? On lined paper? Derrick Coleman, you are a gentleman and a scholar.)

Yeah...I thought this was not-news.

Unfortunately, many clergy still use the Bible as the literal Word of God, and by doing so, use the Bible to condemn others and promote hatred. However, there are so many good clergy who understand that the Bible is what Biblical Theologians refer to as heilsgeschicte—the story of God's redemptive work throughout

This makes my the five trees at my parents' house seem waaaaaay less crazy. (We refer to the cluster of three trees in the living room as "the forest.")

My mom showed me one of her Judy Miller skits from SNL when I was in middle school, and we both laughed until we nearly peed ourselves. Gilda made me realize that I could take my goofy looks and hyperactive nature and channel it into being smart, sassy, and so hilarious it left people breathless. We still haven't had

Really, was Something Corporate's reign in pop-punk really so insignificant that no one has yet commented on it? I was obsessed with SoCo in college. "Konstantine," anyone?

Did you actually go look at the photo? It's six white hipster dudes and a Zooey Deschanel look-alike. America, this is what a Canadian (Lorne Michaels) thinks is funny/attractive.

Can we be best friends? I saw the OBC as a 4 year old and realized much, much later how inappropriate most of it was for a small child. But I still adore ItW and spend my Saturday morning apartment cleanings singing along as it plays on dvd in the background.

Sally Sparrow is the best new Who character that was never a companion but should have been. You have good taste in Who!

As with all cheaters, he's only sorry he got caught.

It's been 10 years since Queer Eye first aired? Jesus, I feel old. My college roommates and I used to have Queers & Beers the night it was on, then watch the Daily Show half-drunk and swoon over Jon Stewart. Good times.

That's part of it. Another aspect is that in late 16th and 17th c. France, ballet was dance for royalty, performed by royalty and those at court, where morals tended to be "looser" with regard to, you know, sleeping with people. Jennifer Homans' history of ballet titled "Apollo's Angels" is extensive and fascinating

Not weird. His face is adorable, and even though he plays a total goofball on Mad Men, you can tell he's smart enough to know where the goofball/moron line is. Also, did I mention his FACE?