Time to Loaf

I like to mess with women on their phones in the bathroom: Even if I'm only peeing, I make the most obscene "HRRNNGGHHHH!" pushing noises. Everything goes deadly silent. I win.

I want to send this to every young "lady" who uses the public restroom in the building in which I work on a very prestigious college campus. They might be on their way to curing cancer, but I have no hope for our future when women throw fucking garbage all over the floor in a public restroom.

Why is there no discussion of ladyboners for Jeffrey Wright? I cannot explain why I find him so incredibly hot. Maybe it's that he's really, really, scarily smart? Like, he could take me out to dinner and we could talk about the Chinese housing bubble allllll niiiiiight lonnnnng. Also, his voice.

Lindy, I don't disagree with you, however, let's not give MacFarlane ALL the credit for those sexist jokes. Awards shows are scripted by writers, and while MacFarlane may have been in the room helping to write the jokes, as much as he'd probably like to take credit for all of them, he certainly didn't write all of

Supernatural! I can't believe nobody has fessed up yet to obsessing over the Winchester brothers. (But also Doctor Who, Torchwood, and Firefly.)

Oh, so THAT'S how you spell "Cerie". I always thought it was Surí. Like, a dig on Suri Cruise or something. Yeah, I'm pretty much Liz Lemon-ing my way through life too.

Don't even get us ELCA started on Wisconsin Synod!

Quite possibly my favorite comment of all time. I love you, fellow history nerd.

The Gospel in church on Sunday was the one about how it's easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get into Heaven.

Also, you have the best username EVUR.

Knitters like me also use their salad spinners to wash their hand-knitted garments before they block them, so it's probably great for any of your high-quality knitwear.

I live in Chicago, and the only good thing about kids not being in school is that this horrible woman with her two kids doesn't ride my bus anymore in the morning. She would push her kids to the front of the line at the bus stop, make them board before the rest of us who were waiting, then let them stop in the middle

Oh my god, #3 used to stalk me on a dating website. So glad I never followed through with that...

I'm gonna lay something out here...and this is just the way it is, you notice much diversity in the actual world of ballet? I'd say upwards of 90% of professional ballerinas are white. Ballerinas "of color" are more of a novelty, and are easily stereotyped—black ballerinas are "too powerful/athletic", Asian