Great for SNES games but... seriously... where’s Chrono Trigger?
Great for SNES games but... seriously... where’s Chrono Trigger?
ughhhh god get a life.
It kinda made me mad that a cellphone game seems to be the most important bit of lore.
You got shared to Kotaku. We’re in a war with Gizmodo to see who has the worst comments section.
She’s a fucking idiot. Stop giving her any attention and stick to games
You are trying to compare two sepperate situations though. A lot of people want NEW games on their switch. Not games they own on 4 other systems. Switch had a very lackluster year full of ports. Some very good ports, but ports none the less and many of them ANCIENT by video game standards.
Ports always get derided, on…
first world problems, folks
Have we learned nothing from “Shrek”?
Thicc queen> beautiful queen
Good article! I’ll admit I only clicked cuz of boobs, though.
“1.) It may well not be her cleavage that makes her successful.”
OK, no one is “asking for it” nor should that ever be an excuse for deplorable behavior. However, let’s also not stick our head in the sand and play dumb. Sex sells and, yeah, sometimes streamers are intentionally using that to gain viewers.
Thanks for sharing this.
Whether or not you like the meme or not, Uganda Knuckles isn’t a racist meme. Imitating an accent does not mean someone is pretending to be dominant over another race. This is an excellent video on the topic.
The movie was a big disappointment though, right? I felt let down. I don’t want to get into specifics as it’s way too early for spoilers.
And that invalidates him, how?
Listen, capitalism is responsible for everything that is good in the world. You can argue the negatives all you want, but the positives far outweigh the negative. Competition breeds success. It also creates better products at cheaper prices and pushes innovation. The internet,the computer, the cell phone, the mass…
Well it is down to a form of failed socialism, namely one Party controlled economy, same as the USSR failed with, combined with “Dutch Disease” of them building an economy that relied on one key industry.
I absolutely love the Super art style, everything just flows so much better than the inconsistency we had in DBZ. In one way, its a departure from the manga but I think its for the best.