
That’s literally what both sides do though, don’t fall under the propaganda of either. For the left: “White Supremacist” “Neo-Nazi” “Bigotry” and “Hate Speech” are all labels and buzz words they use to invoke an emotional response, rather than a logical one. The same goes to the right with terms like: “Globalist”

You are the hero this website needs, but does not deserve. Thank you.

“It resembles the German Flag.” It even more closely resembles other flags that aren’t, you know, guilty of executing millions of people and being completely terrible.

There is no minimal fuss going on, it’s a huge dilemna in the industry right now, and tons of content creators can no longer make a living because, if Youtube does not like what a channel has to say about society or a particular topic, they can tell advertisers not to support that channel, which totally is not fair

#0 White people are so shitty I’m sorry man if I could redo history I would have ya’ll enslaving my ass.

You burnt his ass, hell yeah stick it to the man!! What an A-hole amirite???

Take off the Nostalgia goggles and you will understand what he’s saying. He’s not being dismissive, he’s allowed to have an opinion that differs from the author’s.

How do you know you don’t like the article if you haven’t read it? For fuck’s sake mate, you’ve created a paradox.

Advice: Just make all your save slots the same save file by saving 7 times. Then you won’t have to write an argue on the internet expressing dissatisfaction with your 4 year old when he gets rid of one of them.

Beta male? Or racist for sterotyping white guys?

The hell is this a fantasy shooter or a liberal politics simulator?

Nice diss you’re clever af

TrUmp haS pRoveN thAt nO matTer hoW mUch proGress Is Made It caN aLl bE fliPped iN tHe mAtter oF Months.

This is worthy of a news story? Tomorrow’s Headline:

Okay show me some facts that conclusively paint Trump as a villain. I’d be more than happy to show you the facts for Obama and Hillary.

Was funny until the Trump villain one, should have left your political commentary out of it and said “Make the Mushroom Kingdom Great Again!”

I’d call it Pokemon Eclipse, because just think about it.

Thursday is Oct 13, not 12th!