April? There were years growing up in Plainfield/Montpelier where we’d celebrate the start of summer vacation with a snowball fight...
April? There were years growing up in Plainfield/Montpelier where we’d celebrate the start of summer vacation with a snowball fight...
Torpedos don’t go thousands of miles an hour. The fastest ever reported (after a cursory internet search) is a German anti-torpedo missile (the Barracuda) that goes around 800k/hour. A Russian rocket powered super-cavitating torpedo (which this is not) goes about 230 mph. Conventional torpedos are limited to about…
I thought Maryland was the only place that smelled worse after it rained...
I had a cat that like to play fight. I got a thick pair of oven mitts to wear when playing with him and he liked that even more. Might be worth a try.
That’s New Hampshire.
You beat me to it...Vermont is only 81 inches so you win...
Snoke is actually Jar Jar (Darth Plagueis) controlling a giant animatronic “Snoke” puppet Wizard of Oz style.
You aren’t kidding...I grew up thinking Boston drivers were the worst...but moving to Maryland showed me what real bad driving is....
No, Maryland doesn’t have a left lane is for passing only law.
Maryland doesn’t have a “left lane is for passing only” law. The only left lane law they have is you can’t be doing less than 10 mph under the speed limit in the left lane.
As someone who just traded in my silly looking 04 WRX for a fairly adult-looking 17 WRX it makes me kind of grumpy. Honda is making a civic that looks like a WRX (admittedly turned up to 11 version) and Subaru is making a WRX that looks like a slightly aggressive Civic.
I’ve got a Norweigan Forest cat about that big...he also has the voice of a cat 1/5th his size...
The WRX six speed is down and right for revese.
No, there are other ways to get a college degree. It’s not for everyone, but military service does pay for college (tuition assistance while you’re in, GI bill when you get out). A lot of what recruiters tell people about the pay/benefits is BS, but the education benefits are solid and if you’re lucky enough to end up…
I always just consider a loan to friends/family a gift. If they pay me back that’s great, if not I’m not disappointed because I wasn’t expecting it.
When I joined the Air Force as a programmer back in the 90s they made use learn the basics of cobol and assembler and then went a little more in depth into Ada (and SQL which doesn’t really count as a language). Of course, I never used those after technical school and had to learn Fortran and C/C++ for the mission…