
I remember sitting in Discount Tire thinking I had a nail in a tire and them rolling the wheel into the waiting room to show me. Then they tried to sell me wheels with out showing them to me. I ended up ordering stock wheels from one of the later models and then played the fun game of finding the center caps. Luckily

I had a 99 300M for about 4 years. It was a great car for the most part, but the electrical. My god. By the time I got rid of it in 2010 the only window that worked was the drivers. I stopped using the others after each of them got stuck at some point and was miraculously able to get them back up and never used them

I feel like one of our top pitching prospects shouldn’t be guinea pigging that.

He’s going to make Mike Carey seem like he was competent.

It didn’t occur to me that he was rescuing baseball bats not actual bats until I watched the video.

Just when you think he can’t do anything to look like a bigger piece of shit....

Rod Allen, the Tigers color commentator on TV has called him that.

I like the guy who came in with the flying haymaker as Latos held that guy up.

He’s also the dipshit that wrote that the Lions should trade Stafford. If I see his name on a Freep article I just ignore it.

I was in a Pizza Pizza in Windsor after taking advantage of Canada’s drinking age and somehow nearly got in a fight in the line. No clue why. There were 12 of us and 2 of them so nothing really came of it. That was the same night I had to stop my friend from pissing on a cop car.

Sounds like he went to Northwestern.

She could play nickel for the Browns.

Ovechkin, now 32, is right around that age where having a big meal can fuck up your entire day.

It’s how Canadian’s throw shit.

So he wants them to build more cars here but also may fuck them over with NAFTA. Sounds about right.

Reminds me of when Guitar Hero affected Joel Zumaya in the 06 playoffs.

As someone who knows people who have gone to Cooley, it’s the community college of law schools. Western Michigan decided to become affiliated with them for who knows what reason.

Job security and something to kill down time for writers.

There’s 23% gratuity included.

I had a friend in college kept one of these next to his bed for protection in his dorm room.