Thanks to Trump, they aren’t even the most embarrassing thing about our country.
Thanks to Trump, they aren’t even the most embarrassing thing about our country.
Somewhere PJ Fleck is rowing the boat.
So 40% of them would rather have internet access than a proper place to take a shit?
Yea, Michigan kicked the shit out of them.
The only thing worse than Cardinals fans are cats.
Also a bad one: Nicholas Castellanos. He is using “Nick” which is what he went by up until this year when he went full Mitchell Trubinsky and changed to his full name.
This about sums up the Tigers season.
Seems like the last thing you’d want to do if you want them to leave.
You have to have some gambling winnings in order to do that.
Supposedly this dipshit declined to have taxes withheld on the on money he made off the Pacquiao fight and that is why he is in this predicament.
I worked at a golf course doing grounds maintenance one summer. If the superintendent had seen someone do that he would have murdered them. I once drove on a wet part of the rough between two holes and left a tire mark. He called me over and chewed me out for that.
Disclosure: I’m a Tigers fan. Nothing wrong with a guy who has bunting for base hits as part of his arsenal trying to bunt for a hit in the 6th inning. It’s not like Logan Morrison was trying to bunt for a hit with 2 outs in the ninth. Anyone that is up in arms about this can go to hell.
I was about to ask what you are smoking. There would be a fucking fan mutiny if they traded Fulmer,
He was fine in Detroit. It took some time for him to get comfortable but he didn’t have any issues.
He’s the South Side brolo el cuñado but with hat dogs instead of pocket dogs.
Who gives a shit about how many players showed up? This obsession over crowd sizes is pointless dick measuring.
Filming it isn’t why he lost. He has a May hearing for a contempt of court charge for that boneheaded decision.
Your car doesn’t need to be running and unlocked to be stolen in Roachville.
Beersbee needs to be on this list