made you read

Your trolling is exceptionally bad for a white guy.

Hey racism doesn’t exist anymore man, they can use the same water fountains as us now and they can vote.

“by the way im not white”

I have an unreasonable fear of those giant pile-ups of people that happen so often in sports. I’m often worried the guy at the bottom is suffocating, and if I were in that position, I’d be having a panic attack.

Having Derrick Rose mentor him has certainly paid off.

Nah. Throw his ass in jail. He’s not mentally ill, he’s just a young, dumb, entitled asshole who won’t deal with his drinking issues. He had his shot to deal with it, instead he abused a woman. Now it’s time he is told what to do for a while.

Who says he doesn’t deserve to be an All-Star? That’s some All-Star game defense right there.

Every little kid is taught to fake. The biting reality is that no one does it.

If even half of this is true, then right now I kinda hope that Luke Kuechly breaks his fucking spine on Sunday.

Leave Sly and the family alone.

Whose nose doesn’t drip like that after snorting a bunch of Crystal?

You know what? Fuck this. I’m sick of the goddamn racism in the NFL. Gronk gets a free pass, but when LeGarrette Blount goes blazin’ he gets suspended by the commissioner.

“What are the odds?! No, seriously, what are the odds?” - Joseph Randle

To put it in perspective, if your resistance were equivalent to the NFL’s (and assuming NFL generates 7.2 bil in annual revenue), you would be complaining about a 50k buy while earning $360 million every year.

Evidently the last person who told him not to write outside of the margins got stabbed with a Bic pen.

Sure, I don’t know Portuguese, but I’ll try to muddle through with the bit of Spanish I know:

Not a whole 5 grams...must have been a real rager.

That was the story of Sunday - Patriot goes for a 2, disaster ensues.

I believe the primary governments of the world maintain perpetual states of war to maintain an industry and moral that provides the governing class with its lifestyle and that they see the world as three populations: 1. Governing class; 2. Governed class; 3. Expendable class.

Aliens definitely had a hand (tentacle?) in the pyramids.