
So your issue with Sanders is that he didn’t run third party and guarantee a GOP win?

Unfortunately, it isn’t that much more difficult.  “Crisis Actors” somethingsomething “George Soros” “Deepstate” .....

I am delighted that not only was he heckled, he was heckled by conservatives. It’s harder to spin that one.

I generally stand up only to block the aisle for those dipshits.

Honestly, I’m amazed the pic doesn’t have their laptop monitors facing the camera, giving away sensitive information.

I’m surprised he even bothered at all, because his normal SOP is to only go to public events that are basically arranged and controlled by him and his party. He can’t stand the idea that he’s unpopular, and it’s easiest for him to maintain the illusion by only ever going to his own personal self-esteem rallies.

God, I hope that "lock him up" chant burned its way into his insecure little facsimile of a soul and we get a torrent of rage tweets about it tomorrow. HOOK IT TO MY VEINS!

“Vape snark and Daddy Bernie”

You're completely wrong about Bruce Springsteen. There is no question that he is the most overrated musician of all time.

I was such a fan of the boss after Darkness on the Edge of Town. But when The River came out, it basically taught me never to have a favourite music artist again.

You get a star for your Bruce Springsteen opinion. He sucks. 

Agreed. Bruce is overrated crap.

I love some of The Boss’s stuff, but “Born To Run” is a garbage song for garbage people.  Way way overrated.

Thanks for the review. I think a lot of the commenters here are missing the point. I am grateful for his work, but what Ronan Farrow went through in this process is just not as important as what the actual women who were victimized by Weinstein went through. So I’m not going to waste my time reading his story! I

The criticism that he’s taking a story about women who were victimized and making it all about him is still a valid one.


“In May, Cole was detained by Canadian authorities for his frequent travel back and forth to British Columbia, as well as Ukraine”

You really have to be a mentally ill, delusional shut-in to think that there will ever be a race war.