The Venn diagram of “people who said ‘Buy American’ in the 1970s” and “people who said ‘Jap scrap’ in the 1970s” is so close to a perfect circle, you’d need a magnifying glass to see the margins.
The Venn diagram of “people who said ‘Buy American’ in the 1970s” and “people who said ‘Jap scrap’ in the 1970s” is so close to a perfect circle, you’d need a magnifying glass to see the margins.
I’ma go out on a limb here and predict you’re going to get lots of petulant, pissy pushback for this post from Jalops who think you shouldn’t be political.
Martin Luther King, Jr., spent years calling for equality, advocating for change through non-violence. Those non-violent protests frequently resulted in white reactions of violence against the protestors, and King found himself widely disliked by whites, including liberal whites, and targeted by the FBI, until finally…
Love, respect, and solidarity to those rising up in Minneapolis, LA, Memphis, and all over this miserable country. If you want to help bail out those arrested, please contribute here:
U.S. Senator Richard Burr used to drive one around the Capitol when he was a Congressman (maybe he still does, it’s been a while since I was over there). It always used to give me a smile to see it parked in front of one of the office buildings (right in front—perks of office).
Well they should because this might be the last Pick My Car many of us ever click on.
This slideshow format is garbage. I’ve stuck with Jalopnik for a long time, and Tom, David, and Torch are primary reasons why.
But making articles into slideshows to generate more ad views is going to be a REAL quick way to kill a lot more ad views, myself included.
I hope the Herb up top hears this, but probably not.…
Nope, fuck your slideshow. Did not read.
My secret?
well done - Weekend Update Quality
New York’s hottest club is FAAAAAART!
Just as carbonara is essentially cacio e pepe + eggs and pork.
“Whaaaaa?!? The defense budget in a year we were supposed to not be at war (or pulling back from them) was on a slightly smaller percentage of the total budget well I’ll be.”
We spent $1.55 trillion on Medicare, Medicaid, and the VA in 2018. The DoD’s Military Health System costs about $49.5 billion. USAID’s budget is about $27 billion. That’s, umm, some spending on saving lives.
You know, the Navy has one simple request. And that is to have ships with frigate laser beams attached to their decks.