Is there a discount since I only need THE EDGE of a seat?
Is there a discount since I only need THE EDGE of a seat?
The bottom of the barrel is generally far easier to find than the top.
D.B. Pooper
So witches float and wizards sink?
If anyone really wants to know what happened, just watch the Outside the Lines piece. It is very informative, just watch it before you cast any judgments.
Dressing up like a scary clown to cause a panic seems like a really good way to be killed with a shovel.
It and Killer Clowns from Outer Space in the same summer. The damage to my psyche will NEVER heal.
more like Leonidas of ‘Roids.
I’m a dad. I’m just a vessel for puns directly from God.
Anyone who has played Words With Friends knows exactly how this works and I will MURDER THE NEXT MOTHERFUCKER WHO DROPS QI ON A TRIPLE LETTER TILE.
Where can I write in Basebally McBaseballface?