
Better yet, drink better beer ... not the crap you buy by the case :p

Home, wedged between two cats, lol.

I'm afraid Ms. Burfoot is disregarding a pile of evidence to the contrary. You've mentioned many times here on Lifehacker studies showing that short HIIT can be as effective as a workout twice as long. Yes the calories burned during a longer workout may be more, and if that were the only time a body burned calories

New York in the 90s? Couldn't we just watch Seinfeld reruns?

This makes me so sad. I have a Beagle/English Bulldog mix (BeaBull, if you will) named Stella, and when I first brought her to the vet as a puppy, the Doc was amazed. He said he was prepared to give me a lecture on all the health problems that (poor) bulldogs develop, but since Stella is a mix, her nose is longer, her

But not with the severity and rapidity we're seeing today, at least not during humanity's existence.

But it is another cycle of the earth. Humans are not causing global warming, they are speeding up the natural process which the earth has gone through several times already.

I've been talking about climate change for the last 30 years or so, and there are still people who will say to your face the earth is not warming/climate isn't changing.

This "I refuse to believe it's man made" line of argument only showed up about 10 years ago when pictures like this started making the rounds on the

Here's my thing as a fat woman.

I opened this article to make the exact same observation. I'm more shocked by the Leggins/Croc combo.

My cat Bruce walks around the house chirping and peeping all day. I am often paralyzed by the cute and thus forced to be even LESS productive then I already am.

I want to see a body.

I'm not trolling, trolling is stating the false with intent of stirring up shit, normally causing others to lose their minds over nothing. I'm just saying that the amount of ego in the title of this post alone is a joke. I mean really... It's like Kanye status.

I wish people would stop trying to sell me shit.

I stopped reading when you mentioned having a fast lens.