
I'd be considered Upper class for MD and I sure as fuck can't afford sports cars and vacations.

1) The best cats are the ones that choose you, not the other way around. The cat that reaches through the cage, grabs your shirt, screams at you and won't let go is the one you want.

I've never met a rugger I didn't like. It's amazing how bands can make millions off the same shit, but some of the toughest, sincerest, honest motherfuckers in sports get the hot poker for a made up chant. And no dead chick has ever been fucked to my knowledge...

I've drank beer from smelly rugby boots, been stripped naked at 2 in the afternoon in a crowded bar, been kicked in the face, raked, punched, spit on, bit and god knows what else. You're going to label me a bad person for singing a made up song about made up people? Eat shit.

WTF? Do you leave your CAC in your laptop all the time? And... what's the point of the USB CAC reader then?

Tough books are gone. They're issuing some new hunk-of-heavy-shit-Dell Inspiron now. Weighs like 3X a Tough book, won't accept any Army image and looks like it's 2004 overstock. It's got WIN8 though? Go Army!!

Ride Hulks testicles.

I'd watch the horrible bike flip a million times over if they'd get rid of that arrow shooting doofus. His character is just balls lame.

I actually love the feel of the road and a low stance.. Personal preference I guess. My S4 is just like that also but I love it. Out of curiosity, what car in the upper Porsche tiers do you like? If you had to pick a favorite..


Now THAT is a fucking car commercial.

The internet is yours today!

Well that sucks. I find them exciting to drive. Beats the shit out of my Mercury Milan!! :)

You must have driven a 944 from the 80's. ;)

Theres a similar one on Ebay for around 70 bucks. It does all the shit my old Hero2 does with negligible difference. It has a supporting app for wireless control and doesnt need a backpack or 8 extra batteries. It's Waterproof and so far, pretty tough. Not talking shit on GoPro, but there is a very comparable

Sadly, the world is not moving on. We've been jogging in place for hundreds of years as far as human cultural interaction goes.

Its unfortunate that someone taking time to form an educated, meaningful response gets recognized because its so uncommon. It should be the standard.

If you lose, Kanye disappears forever.

8-9 I'd be a fan!

I may have over reacted.. Its early and I'm sick.. Sorry. But it just drives me nuts to walk into the cooler and see the Sam Adams at 12.99 parked right beside 3-4 other comparable beers priced at 8-9.99.