
My birthday is August 26, I have always maintained that my birthday is in the summer, the PSL is a fall item, and therefore must be released after my birthday.

This joke was old when Seinfeld did it.

Just the Chicago location?

Been a shortage for a few months, they’re just now acknowledging it. As a religious Diet Dr. Pepper drinker I’ve almost gone into withdrawal a few times. 

Nothing with a built in vacuum, amateurs. 

Nothing with a built in vacuum, amateurs. 


Every wine subscription box I’ve found is a trap, including Winc. Even it’s good wine, it’s just an excuse for private vineyards/wholesalers to offload their excess. For me a defining part of a good subscription box is that if I like something I can go out and buy it again. Winc and/or similar services trap you by

It does explain that in the article, no door on the office, if I had to guess it’s off the entryway or living room since that’s how most houses are set up, so visible to any guests.

Why are there no pictures!?!?

We need a Mask Cannon. Like a T-Shirt Cannon, but well ... you know....

Enjoy law school, don’t drink too much

Here the pitter patter of their tiny tiny feet, that’s the Army in full retreat.

No. Fuck this opinion. This is the one and only fashion hill I will die on.

No. Fuck this opinion. This is the one and only fashion hill I will die on.

Google Wifi. It works well, and the software/app integration is top notch.

Google Wifi. It works well, and the software/app integration is top notch.

I have noticed a distinct lack of canned Diet Dr. Pepper lately

Or, just be a good person and tip really well, because it might make the difference for someone else and it never hurts to be generous.

My parents have a set of stoneware from their wedding registry they are still using ~35 years later. Your set just sucks.

All of my friends who live there now are overwhelmingly in favor of this.

Reminds me of this